Πελατοκεντρική τεχνητή νοημοσύνη: Πώς η τεχνητή νοημοσύνη μπορεί να βελτιώσει τις πωλήσεις και τις πολλαπλές πωλήσεις

Στην εποχή μας, meeting customer expectations is no longer just enough. To thrive, businesses must exceed these expectations, and leveraging customer-centric AI is key to achieving this goal.

Integrating AI into customer relationship management (CRM) enhances upselling and cross-selling strategies, allowing businesses to analyze extensive customer data for personalized recommendations.

Keep reading to discover how customer-centric AI elevates CRM strategies, offers personalized insights and real-time decision-making, and ultimately delivers more satisfying customer journeys.

Leveraging AI for Customer Insights

AI can reveal invaluable patterns and trends by analyzing huge amounts of data. It enables you to understand customer tendencies, συνήθειες, and preferences.

Before we discuss how AI can enhance customer relationship management, let’s dive into how AI algorithms analyze customer behavior and data.

How AI Algorithms Analyze Customer Behavior

AI is transforming how businesses analyze consumer behavior and changing how consumers engage with companies.

There are various tools business owners can use to process customer data with AI, αλλά σε γενικές γραμμές, here’s how the process works:

Sophisticated predictive analytics tools such as IBM’s SPSS Statistics, Alteryx, and Microsoft’s Azure Machine Learning process this data, identifying patterns, correlations, and trends that indicate potential future behaviors or needs.

Based on the analysis, predictive models are developed to forecast probable customer behaviors or needs. These models use statistical algorithms to predict outcomes, such as the likelihood of a customer making a certain purchase, churn probability, or preferred product categories.

AI-Infused Upselling & Cross-Selling Strategies

AI-infused upselling strategies leverage artificial intelligence to enhance sales by encouraging customers to purchase additional or upgraded products or services.

Here’s an overview of key AI-driven upselling tactics:

AI-Powered Product Recommendations and Customization

AI-driven customer profiling is a cornerstone of modern marketing strategies, using advanced algorithms to create detailed and dynamic profiles of individual customers.

By collecting and analyzing a wide range of customer data—such as purchase history, browsing behavior, δημογραφικά στοιχεία, and interactions with the business—AI pinpoints distinct behavioral patterns, προτιμήσεις, and individual traits.

This enables sellers to offer tailored product recommendations based on individual customer behaviors and preferences to suggest complementary or upgraded products.

Για παράδειγμα, Amazon’s AI algorithms analyze extensive customer data, including browsing history, items viewed, items purchased, and search queries.

“Customers Who Bought This Also Bought” recommendations on Amazon

Based on this analysis, Amazon’s recommendation engine employs machine learning models to predict and suggest products that align with each customer’s interests and preferences.

When a customer explores a specific product, Amazon’s AI generates “Frequently Bought Together” or “Customers Who Bought This Also Bought” recommendations, showcasing complementary or upgraded products. These suggestions encourage customers to consider additional purchases beyond their initial choice—and suggest items they may be interested in.

As customers interact with the platform, the AI continuously learns from their behaviors and refines its recommendations. The system adapts to individual preferences, ensuring increasingly accurate and relevant suggestions.

An example of how Amazon leverages user preferences data to create product recommendations. (Πηγή: Rejoiner)

Amazon’s AI-driven product recommendations contribute significantly to the platform’s success in upselling. Customers are more inclined to explore and potentially purchase additional products, increasing sales and improving customer satisfaction.

Παρεμπιπτόντως, εάν πουλάτε ηλεκτρονικά με το Ecwid by Lightspeed, μπορείς εμφάνιση σχετικών προϊόντων with the “You May Also Like” section that appears on a product details page and at checkout.

Δυναμικές στρατηγικές τιμολόγησης και βελτιστοποίηση προσφορών

Το AI επιτρέπει δυναμικές στρατηγικές τιμολόγησης αναλύοντας τις τάσεις της αγοράς, τιμολόγηση ανταγωνιστή, και τη συμπεριφορά των πελατών σε πραγματικό χρόνο. Αυτό επιτρέπει στις επιχειρήσεις να βελτιστοποιούν τις στρατηγικές τιμολόγησης για αύξηση των πωλήσεων, προσφέροντας εξατομικευμένες εκπτώσεις, ή ομαδικές προσφορές που έχουν απήχηση σε μεμονωμένους πελάτες.

Uber, the ride-hailing service, uses AI-driven dynamic pricing, known as “surge pricing,” to optimize pricing strategies based on real-time demand, Προμήθεια, και άλλους παράγοντες.

Here’s how Uber implemented their dynamic pricing strategy with the help of AI.

Uber’s AI algorithms continuously analyze data in real-time, including factors like ride demand, traffic conditions, καιρός, time of day, and historical rider behavior.

Based on this analysis, Uber’s AI adjusts fares dynamically. During peak times or high demand, surge pricing is activated, αύξηση του ναύλου για να παρακινηθούν περισσότεροι οδηγοί να είναι διαθέσιμοι, εξασφαλίζοντας ταχύτερες παραλαβές και κάλυψη της αυξημένης ζήτησης.

Επιπροσθέτως, Η Uber μπορεί να προσφέρει εξατομικευμένες εκπτώσεις ή προσφορές σε μεμονωμένους αναβάτες με βάση το ιστορικό της διαδρομής τους, συχνότητα χρήσης, ή συγκεκριμένες περιστάσεις. Για παράδειγμα, στοχευμένες προσφορές μπορεί να προσφέρονται σε συχνούς χρήστες ή σε περιόδους χαμηλής ζήτησης για να ενθαρρύνουν περισσότερες διαδρομές.

Αυτές οι στρατηγικές μεγιστοποιούν τα κέρδη για τους οδηγούς και ενθαρρύνουν τους αναβάτες να συνεχίσουν να τις χρησιμοποιούν.

Βελτίωση της Εμπειρίας Πελατών

Αξιοποιώντας την τεχνητή νοημοσύνη στο CRM, businesses can enhance customer experiences through personalized services.

Για παράδειγμα, Spotify uses AI algorithms to analyze user preferences, listening habits, and historical data to create personalized playlists, συστάσεις, and daily mixes for each user.

An example of a personalized playlist by Spotify

This personalized approach enhances the overall user experience by tailoring music to the unique preferences of each listener, making the time spent listening and discovering new music to their tastes more enjoyable.

Cross-Selling Tactics

Cross-selling tactics integrated into AI-enhanced CRM systems leverage artificial intelligence to identify and capitalize on opportunities to offer complementary products or services to customers aligned with customer buying behaviors.

Για παράδειγμα, Netflix effectively tailors its marketing campaigns for cross-selling by recommending TV series or movies to users based on their viewing history.

Netflix makes recommendations based on a user’s viewing history

If a user likes to watch science fiction shows, Netflix’s algorithm suggests similar content or promotes a newly released series within that genre, encouraging the user to explore and watch more content.

Further enhancing these personalized marketing efforts, AI chatbots provide immediate, personalized recommendations to customers. This not only improves the shopping experience but also significantly increases sales opportunities by making every customer interaction an opportunity for targeted marketing and upselling.

Examples of AI-Enhanced CRM Systems

Η ενσωμάτωση τακτικών ανόδου πωλήσεων σε συστήματα CRM με βελτιωμένη τεχνητή νοημοσύνη περιλαμβάνει τη μόχλευση προγνωστικών αναλυτικών στοιχείων για τον εντοπισμό ιδανικών ευκαιριών ανόδου πωλήσεων. Τα συστήματα CRM με γνώμονα την τεχνητή νοημοσύνη προτρέπουν τους αντιπροσώπους πωλήσεων με σχετικές προτάσεις ανόδου κατά τη διάρκεια των αλληλεπιδράσεων με τους πελάτες, αυξάνοντας τις πιθανότητες επιτυχών ανοδικών πωλήσεων.

Einstein Analytics από την Salesforce

Salesforce, μια κορυφαία πλατφόρμα CRM, incorporates AI-powered tools like Einstein Analytics to assist sales representatives in identifying and capitalizing on upselling opportunities during customer interactions.

Salesforce’s Einstein Analytics leverages predictive analytics to analyze vast datasets within the CRM. It evaluates customer data, ιστορικό αγορών, αλληλεπιδράσεις, and other relevant information to predict potential upselling opportunities.

Einstein Analytics spots patterns hinting at upselling opportunities. Για παράδειγμα, detecting increased product usage may signal interest in upgrades or add-ons.

Salesforce’s AI system also provides sales reps with actionable insights. It offers upselling suggestions and talking points based on opportunities identified.

Sales reps leverage AI-driven suggestions to customize conversations, addressing customers’ needs with relevant upselling offers. Για παράδειγμα, they may suggest an upgraded subscription or additional features based on usage patterns.

Παρεμπιπτόντως, if you sell online with Ecwid, μπορείς connect your online store to Salesforce via Zapier. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, new customers will be created in Salesforce automatically from new Ecwid orders.

Amazon Personalize

Amazon Personalize, a machine learning service offered by Amazon, is designed to address challenges commonly encountered in creating personalized recommendations, including issues with new user data, popularity biases, and evolving user intent.

Unlike traditional recommendation engines, Amazon Personalize excels in scenarios with limited or evolving user data. This proves especially beneficial for identifying upselling opportunities, even with new users or when user preferences change over time.

Several well-known companies, such as Domino’s, Subway, and Yamaha, have recognized the significance of AI in understanding and catering to customer needs.

How to Tailor Marketing Campaigns for Upselling and Cross-Selling

You can tailor marketing campaigns for upselling and cross-selling with the help of strategic approaches even if you don’t use AI-powered tools.

For the best outcomes, you need customer data and targeted messaging. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

Perform Customer Segmentation

Use CRM data to segment customers based on their purchase history, προτιμήσεις, και συμπεριφορά. Categorize them into groups with similar buying patterns or interests.

Αν πουλάτε απευθείας σύνδεση με Ecwid, μπορείτε να δείτε, εύρημα, and edit all the customer information you need on the Οι πελάτες σελίδα. Από εκεί, you can filter your customer base using various parameters and export the segment to work with it in a different service (για παράδειγμα, to send targeted emails via an email service of your choice.)

Η σελίδα Πελάτες στο Ecwid προσφέρει επίσης πρόσβαση στο ιστορικό παραγγελιών πελατών, διευκολύνοντας τη διαδικασία κατάτμησης. By understanding your customers’ buying habits and preferences, μπορείτε να προσαρμόσετε τα μηνύματά σας σε κάθε τμήμα πιο αποτελεσματικά.

Η σελίδα Πελάτες στο διαχειριστή Ecwid

Προσδιορίστε Ευκαιρίες

Αναλύστε τα ιστορικά αγορών και τα δεδομένα συμπεριφοράς για να εντοπίσετε ευκαιρίες για υπερπωλήσεις και διασταυρούμενες πωλήσεις. Determine which products or services complement previous purchases or align with customers’ interests.

Για παράδειγμα, when selling online through Ecwid, you have the option to configure αυτοματοποιημένα μηνύματα ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου μάρκετινγκ showcasing related products or top sellers.

Related products in an order confirmation email

Make Personalized Recommendations

Create personalized recommendations based on customer segments. Use AI algorithms to suggest related or upgraded products in marketing materials, ενημερωτικά δελτία email, or on a website. Για παράδειγμα, Amazon’s “Frequently Bought Together” or “You May Also Like” sections.

Strive for Targeted Messaging

Craft targeted messaging that highlights the value of complementary products or services. Δείξτε πώς η πρόσθετη προσφορά βελτιώνει την εμπειρία του πελάτη ή επιλύει ένα συγκεκριμένο πρόβλημα.

Για ένα πραγματικά βελτιστοποιημένο μήνυμα, σκεφτείτε μεταφράζοντας περιεχόμενο να έχει αποτελεσματική απήχηση με διαφορετικά ακροατήρια και γλώσσες.

Προσφέρετε κίνητρα ή πακέτα

Παρέχετε κίνητρα όπως εκπτώσεις, ομαδικές προσφορές, ή ανταμοιβές αφοσίωσης για να ενθαρρύνουν τους πελάτες να εξερευνήσουν πρόσθετες προσφορές. Κάντε την πρόταση αξίας ελκυστική και σαφή.

Με το Ecwid της Lightspeed, μπορείτε να πουλήσετε πακέτα προϊόντων με τη βοήθεια του upsell & Πακέτα προϊόντων πολλαπλών πωλήσεων, Πακέτα προϊόντων, και BOGO εφαρμογές.

Εφαρμογή Πολυκαναλικής Προσέγγισης

Implement a multichannel marketing strategy to reach customers through various touchpoints. Use emails, social media content, website pop-ups, and personalized platform recommendations.

Unveil the Power of Personalized Recommendations

In the dynamic landscape of customer relations, personalized recommendations and targeted marketing stand as pillars of success. By leveraging CRM data, you can unlock the potential for tailored upselling and cross-selling campaigns.

When finely tuned, Αυτές οι στρατηγικές έχουν απήχηση σε μεμονωμένους πελάτες, οδηγική δέσμευση, αύξηση των πωλήσεων, και την καλλιέργεια της πίστης στην επωνυμία.

Αγκαλιάστε τις πληροφορίες από το σύστημα CRM σας, δημιουργήστε προσαρμοσμένες καμπάνιες, and see how meeting your customers’ unique preferences and needs can work wonders.

About The Author
Mark Quadros is a SaaS content marketer that helps brands create and distribute rad content. On a similar note, Mark loves content and contributes to several authoritative blogs like HubSpot, CoSchedule, Foundr, και τα λοιπα. Connect with him via LinkedIn ή Κελάδημα.

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