Unverzichtbare UX-Prinzipien, die Sie in einem Online-Shop befolgen sollten

Als ambitionierter Unternehmer, Sie möchten Ihr Geschäft ausbauen. One of the best ways to achieve this goal is by creating an online store with an exceptional user experience (UX).

Die Online-Welt ist wettbewerbsintensiv, und potenzielle Kunden durchsuchen täglich Tausende von Websites. So, Es ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Online-Shop das bestmögliche Benutzererlebnis bietet.

In diesem Artikel, Wir erklären, was User Experience im E-Commerce ist, der Unterschied zwischen Kundenerlebnis und Benutzererlebnis, and the must-have UX principles that online sellers must follow to ensure the best online shopping experience for their customers.

What Is User Experience?

Before we start discussing the main UX principles in ecommerce, let’s talk about the user experience definition.

Benutzererfahrung (UX) refers to the overall interaction between the user and a product, service, or system. That makes UX an essential aspect of any ecommerce website design.

The user experience can be quantified by evaluating the user’s satisfaction, Benutzerfreundlichkeit, and overall experience across different touchpoints.

The elements of user experience are functionality, Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Ästhetik, user needs and goals, Zugänglichkeit, efficiency, and the overall experience.

You might’ve also heard the phrase “end-user experience.” Let’s see how it differs from what we’ve discussed above.

The user encompasses individuals who utilize or manage a product, including system administrators, IT experts, and computer technicians. The end-user, auf der anderen Seite, is a product’s target audience. So, in your case, end-user experience specifically relates to a shopper’s journey within your online store.

The end-user experience is the overall interaction that customers have with your website, such as browsing and making a purchase. It also includes everything from the layout and design of your site to the checkout process and post-purchase support.

Letting customers choose product options helps improve the end-user experience in your online store

When it comes to creating an online store, it is essential to focus on the user experience while keeping in mind the end-user’s needs, Interessen, and preferences.

User Interface vs. User Experience

Benutzeroberfläche (UI) und Benutzererfahrung (UX) are often confused with one another, but they are different. The user interface is the visual design of a product, while user experience is the overall interaction between the user and a product.

Zum Beispiel, in an online store context, UI would be how your website looks visually, while UX would be how easy it is to navigate and make a purchase on your site.

Usability vs. User Experience

Usability and user experience are closely related but are not the same. Usability refers to how easy it is for users to achieve their goals or complete a task on your website. Benutzererfahrung, auf der anderen Seite, includes usability and factors like aesthetics, emotions, and overall satisfaction.

Zum Beispiel, in an online store context, usability would be how quickly and easily a customer can find and purchase an item. Zur gleichen Zeit, user experience would include factors like the website’s design and how the customer feels throughout the shopping process.

Customer Experience vs. User Experience

Many people use customer experience (CX) and UX interchangeably. While there is a relationship between CX and UX, they are not the same thing.

Customer experience refers to how customers feel about their interactions with a brand, darunter Kundenservice. Mittlerweile, user experience primarily focuses on the usability, Zugänglichkeit, and functionality of the digital experience.

What Is User Experience Testing?

User experience testing is the process of evaluating your website’s usability and functionality. This helps you identify any pain points or areas of improvement for your online store. There are various methods for conducting UX testing, such as user surveys, user interviews, and A/B testing.

There is also end-user experience monitoring — the practice of tracking and analyzing customer behavior, feedback, and overall satisfaction with your online store. This helps you identify any pain points or areas of improvement to optimize the user experience for your customers.

User Experience Principles for Online Stores

Now that we have a clear understanding of what user experience in ecommerce is, let’s dive into the must-have UX principles that every online seller should follow to create an exceptional online shopping experience for their customers.

Following these principles in your user experience strategy will ensure that customers enjoy their shopping experience on your website, ultimately leading to increased Kundenzufriedenheit and loyalty.

Clear and Simple Navigation

Durch die einfache Navigation können Benutzer schnell finden, wonach sie suchen. Sie können die Benutzerfreundlichkeit Ihres Online-Shops verbessern, indem Sie die Navigation einfach und intuitiv gestalten. Benutzer sollten nicht lange nachdenken müssen, um auf Ihrer Website zu navigieren. Investieren Sie in ein Layout, das es Benutzern ermöglicht, ihre bevorzugten Artikel bequem zu finden.

Wenn es Hunderte von Produkten in Ihrem Geschäft gibt, Erwägen Sie die Implementierung einer Suchleiste, damit Benutzer schnell finden, wonach sie suchen.

Zusätzlich, Organisieren Sie Ihre Produkte in Kategorien und Unterkategorien, um Kunden das Durchsuchen und Filtern verschiedener Optionen zu erleichtern.

Produktkategorien helfen Kunden beim Durchsuchen Ihres Online-Shops

Möglichkeit, Produkte nach Marke zu filtern, Größe, Farbe, material, etc., ist auch für die Benutzer von Vorteil. Dadurch können sie genau das finden, was sie suchen, ohne durch endlose Produktseiten scrollen zu müssen.

Mit Ecwid von Lightspeed, Sie können Ihre Produkte einfach verwalten und in Kategorien organisieren und Filter hinzufügen, Dadurch wird es für Benutzer einfacher, in Ihrem Online-Shop zu navigieren.

Ecwid’s product filters in the Rometti online store

Consistent and High-Quality Visuals

The visuals on your online store play a significant role in attracting and keeping customers engaged. Use high-quality product images that accurately represent your products. Avoid using stock photos or low-resolution images, as they can make your website appear untrustworthy to customers.

Consistency in the visual design of your online store is also crucial. Use a cohesive color scheme and font throughout your website to create a visually appealing and professional look. Um sicherzustellen, dass, Sie können ecommerce website templates so that all the elements are already designed to match and work together seamlessly.

Mit Ecwid von Lightspeed, Sie bekommen 40+ ecommerce templates and design options to choose from

Don’t forget about videos – they are a powerful tool for highlighting and showing your products in action. Erwägen Sie, einschließlich videos on product pages to enhance customers’ understanding of your products and boost their purchasing decisions.

Responsives Design für alle Geräte

Responsive Website-Design stellt sicher, dass Ihre Website auf jedem Gerät perfekt funktioniert, unabhängig von der Größe.

Mit der zunehmenden Nutzung mobiler Geräte beim Online-Shopping, Es ist wichtig, dass Ihr Online-Shop ein mobilfreundliches Design hat. Das bedeutet, dass Ihre Website responsive und für verschiedene Bildschirmgrößen optimiert sein sollte. Benutzer sollten in der Lage sein, auf allen Geräten nahtlos zu stöbern und Einkäufe zu tätigen, inklusive Desktop, mobile, und Tablet-Geräte.

Zum Glück, mit einer E-Commerce-Plattform wie Ecwid von Lightspeed, you don’t have to worry about creating a responsive design for user experience optimization. All Ecwid websites are automatically optimized for mobile devices, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

Fast Loading Times

If a website takes too long to load, users will likely leave and seek alternative solutions. Slow loading times can lead to a frustrating experience for shoppers. Es ist, daher, essential to optimize your website and ensure it loads quickly to enhance the user’s experience.

You can check your website speed using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and make necessary adjustments to improve your website’s loading times.

Natürlich, it’s easier to prevent slow loading times by choosing the right ecommerce platform for your store. Zum Beispiel, Ecwid by Lightspeed is a fast and responsive ecommerce platform that can handle high traffic without compromising website speed.

Easy Checkout Process

The checkout process is one of the most crucial stages in an online shopping experience. A complicated or lengthy checkout process can cause customers to abandon their purchases, resulting in lost sales.

The complicated checkout process is one of the most common reasons for cart abandonment

Um dies zu vermeiden, keep your checkout process simple and straightforward. Allow users to make guest purchases and provide multiple payment options to cater to different preferences. Zusätzlich, consider offering a progress bar to show customers how far along they are in the checkout process.

You can also offer saved billing and shipping information for returning customers to save them time during future purchases. This eliminates the need for customers to repeatedly enter their information, making the checkout process even more convenient.

Zum Beispiel, providing Apple and Google Pay payment options allows customers to complete their purchases with just a few clicks without entering any payment or shipping information.

Shipping is another important aspect to consider in the checkout process. Be transparent about shipping costs and provide estimated delivery dates upfront to avoid any surprises for customers. Plus, several shipping options cater to customers’ different needs and preferences.

Customers want to check out quickly and efficiently without any unnecessary distractions. So if you can provide them with that, they’re more likely to finish their purchases and return. That’s easy if you use Ecwid by Lightspeed for your online store, as it offers a customizable and streamlined checkout process for your customers. Plus, it integrates with dozens of secure and popular payment systems and shipping providers.

Bezahlen mit einem Fingertipp in einem Ecwid-Geschäft

Personalization and Customization

Personalization is becoming increasingly important in the ecommerce industry. It involves tailoring the user experience based on their interests, Verhalten, and preferences. This can include product recommendations based on past purchases or browsing history, personalized email marketing campaigns, and even personalized website content.

Personalization is a powerful tool in ecommerce, as it allows you to tailor the shopping experience for each individual customer. Auf diese Weise, customers feel like they are being treated as individuals rather than just another number in your sales funnel.

Zusätzlich, allowing customers to customize their products can also enhance the user experience. This could include options for choosing different colors, Größen, and materials or even adding custom text or images to a product. Giving customers control over their purchases can make them feel more invested in the process, ultimately leading to increased satisfaction with their shopping experience.

Mit Ecwid von Lightspeed, you can easily set up personalized product recommendations and use customer data to personalize your marketing efforts. Plus, you can offer customers the option to add customizations to their products, making their shopping experience even more unique and tailored to their needs.

Provide the Best User Experience for Your Customers

User experience reigns supreme when it comes to online stores. By following the must-have UX principles, you can create an exceptional online shopping experience for your customers.

The ecommerce platform you choose for your online store also plays a significant role in providing the best user experience. Zum Beispiel, Ecwid by Lightspeed follows all the principles discussed in the article. It offers customizable designs, responsive layouts, and streamlined checkout processes to enhance the user experience for your customers.

Remember that customers have many options in the online world. So, providing a great user experience is key to creating customer loyalty, driving sales, and taking your business to greater heights. Commit to providing the best possible online experience to your customers, and you’ll undoubtedly reap the benefits.

Über den Autor
Anastasia Prokofieva ist ein Content-Schriftsteller bei Ecwid. Sie schreibt über Online-Marketing und Promotion zum Alltag make Unternehmer leichter und lohnender. Sie hat auch ein Faible für Katzen, Schokolade, und machen Kombucha zu Hause.

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