How to Increase Sales by Improving Customer Journey in Ecommerce

Fragen Sie sich: do you know how your customers end up in your store?

Wenn nicht, you’re not doing it right.

Customers don’t appear in your online store ready to spend money by sheer luck. Their journey to purchase consists of different stages, and it may differ a lot for businesses in different niches. Understanding that journey is key to attracting, einnehmend, and retaining customers like a pro.

If you want to increase your chances of converting visitors into loyal customers, you need to understand what the customer journey is, wie es funktioniert, and how to optimize it.

In this comprehensive article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about improving customer journey in ecommerce, from customer journey mapping to analytics and everything in between.

What Is a Customer Journey?

Customer journey (also known as buyer’s journey) refers to a customer’s path from initial awareness to final purchase and beyond. It’s the entire process a customer goes through when interacting with your brand, including getting acquainted with your brand, browsing your website, researching your products, Kauf, and post-purchase interactions such as customer service.

In einer nussschale, a buyer’s journey is the steps any customer takes before making a purchase decision. Denken Sie an das Letzte mal etwas gekauft. Sie wahrscheinlich folgte ein Prozess ähnlich wie diese:

This is the buyer’s journey, as it was erstmals beschrieben 1978. Damals, es war ein relativ einfaches Konzept. Customers entered the journey from the awareness stage and exited at the decision stage. Die gesamte Reise wurde erwartet, dass lineare, mit Kunden bewegt sich in einer geraden Weg von einer Bühne zur anderen.

What Are the Customer Journey Stages?

Compared to the customer journey described above, the modern buyer’s journey is very different.

Warum, du darfst fragen?

Ihre Kunden haben Zugriff auf das wissen der Welt an Ihren Fingerspitzen. Sie haben keinen wirklichen Grund, befolgen Sie die lineare Reise oben beschrieben. Sie können starten Sie die Kaufabwicklung, spend a few weeks considering the solution, and then decide not to buy anything at all — we’ve all been there.

Although the three discrete stages — awareness, Erwägung, and decision (oder kaufen) — still exist in this journey, Kunden gehen durch Sie in einer gestaffelten, non-linear fashion. Ihr Käufer könnte sehr gut die Suche nach einer Lösung, go through some Amazon reviews, and then give up halfway after being distracted by a new email or TikTok notification.

Plus, you might already know that selling to an existing customer is cheaper than attracting a new one. That means it would be impractical not to consider customer retention in your buyer’s journey.

While every customer journey is unique, there are some common stages that most modern customers go through. These stages include awareness, Erwägung, kaufen, Aufbewahrung, and advocacy:

Understanding the customer journey is crucial for any ecommerce business because it helps you identify the opportunities for improvement in the customer experience. By optimizing the customer journey, you can increase customer satisfaction, Loyalität, und, letzten Endes, Vertrieb.

Customer journey stages in ecommerce (Bild-Quelle: Omnisend)


Example of a Buyer’s Journey

Let’s imagine you run an online store selling laptops. Your target audience is price-conscious consumers who prefer to do research before buying something.

A customer lands on your site by searching for "neue Windows-laptops" bei Google. Hier, they find a blog post about recently launched laptops.

Using this blog post, they make a list of different laptops offered by different brands. Because they’ve heard a lot about Dell, they decided to focus their search on Dell laptops. They type in "die neuen Dell-Windows-laptops" on their browser and find a list of Dell laptops. They look at their prices and find the Dell model that would be perfect for them.

Now that they’ve made a choice, they need validation. Their next search is for “Dell [Modell] laptop reviews.” This query takes him to your blog, where they find an in-depth review.

Schließlich, after deciding that this is the right laptop for them, they want to find the best deal for it. They type in “Dell [Modell] laptop coupon codes.”

Nach der Suche nach einem Gutschein-code, they search for “Dell kaufen [Modell] laptop online.” Ihre Website zeigt sich als eines der Ergebnisse. They recognize your website name because they’ve had multiple positive interactions with your brand before. Aufgrund der positiven Markenwert, die Sie aufgebaut haben, Sie macht am Ende einen Verkauf.

After acquiring a customer, you’d want to retain them. You do this by sending them an email after a few weeks asking about their experience and offering additional tips for using the laptop. This leads to customer satisfaction and potential advocacy through word-of-mouth recommendations.

You don’t stop there because you want to make your customer a loyal fan. You continue to nurture the relationship through personalized emails and exclusive offers for repeat purchases. By providing an excellent customer journey, you turn a one-time buyer into a loyal advocate for your brand.

Wie Sie sehen können, the customer journey is not just about making a sale; it’s about creating positive interactions and building long-lasting relationships with your customers.

An example of a customer journey in retail (Bild-Quelle: Delighted)

Why Is the Customer Journey Important?

Understanding your customer journey is crucial for the success of your business. Rather than aggressively promoting your products, you can effectively attract customers by guiding them through each stage of their journey.

Other benefits of customer journey include the following:

Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie dies bewerkstelligen unten.

What Is a Customer Journey Map?

A customer journey map is a visual representation of the steps your customers go through when interacting with your brand. This helps you understand and track the entire process from initial contact to purchase and beyond.

UXPressia analyzed the data on customer journey maps and ranked the layers according to their popularity

What Is Customer Journey Mapping?

Customer journey mapping involves creating visual representations of the entire customer journey, including various touchpoints where customers engage with your brand. Zusätzlich, it entails understanding their emotions, Verhalten, and motivations at different stages.

The goal of the customer journey mapping process is to gain a deep understanding of the customer’s experience so you can improve it at every step.

To create a customer journey map, you can use a customer journey map template or customize your own. Some key elements to include in a customer journey map are buyer personas, touchpoints, pain points, Chancen, und Ziele.

Customer Personas

Customer personas are fictional representations of your target customers. They include demographic information, Verhalten, Motivationen, and pain points.

Creating buyer personas helps you understand your customer’s needs and tailor your content to meet them.

Customer Touchpoints

Customer journey touchpoints are all the points at which a customer interacts with your brand. This includes both online and offline interactions such as social media, E-Mail-marketing, Kundenservice, etc.

Customer Pain Points

Pain points are obstacles or frustrations that customers can experience along the journey. These include anything from a slow website to poor customer service.


Opportunities are areas where your brand can improve and make the customer experience better. Identifying opportunities helps you prioritize your efforts and resources.


Goals represent what your customers hope to achieve at each stage of the customer journey. These can include finding a solution, getting their questions answered, or receiving support.

Best Practices for Mapping Your Customer Journey

If you haven’t created a customer journey map yet, now’s the time. Here are some best practices for mapping your customer’s journey:

Create Your Buyer Persona

Research and analyze your customers’ behaviors, Motivationen, and pain points. This is where buyer personas come in handy. A buyer persona is a fictional customer that represents your average customer’s demographics and psychographics. It helps align every aspect of your customer journey map with the right audience.

Identify Your Customers’ Needs and Touchpoints

To create a comprehensive map, identify all touchpoints where customers interact with your brand. Put yourself in their shoes and consider every possible way they could come across or engage with your business – both online and offline.

Discover Pain Points and Opportunities

Once touchpoints are identified, look for pain points and opportunities. Analyze customer feedback and complaints and use behavior analytics tools to find areas for improvement and a better experience. Zum Beispiel, if there’s an influx of customer queries on social media with slow response times, focus on improving this area.

Document the Customer Journey

Map touchpoints to outline the customer journey. Start from awareness and document each step until loyalty is achieved. Include emotions, Verhalten, and motivations at each stage for a clear understanding of customer needs.

Continuously Review and Improve

Understand that the customer journey is dynamic, so you must regularly review and improve the journey map. Conduct customer surveys, analyze data, and make necessary adjustments for a seamless experience.

Pay Attention to Customer Journey Analytics

Once you have created your customer journey map, it’s essential to track and analyze data to identify areas of improvement. Customer journey analytics can help you understand customer behavior, Vorlieben, and pain points throughout the entire journey.

This step is crucial for finding the areas of improvement in your existing customer journey and for gaining a deeper understanding of the customer lifecycle. That’s why it’s worth expanding on this topic – so keep reading!

What Is Customer Journey Analytics?

We’ve already discussed the importance of regularly reviewing and improving your customer journey maps. That brings us to the next point – how do you know that it’s time to improve your customer journey map? That’s where the customer journey analytics comes in.

Customer journey analytics are a set of metrics and tools that help you track, measure, and optimize the customer journey. By analyzing customer data, such as website behavior, Demografie, and purchase history, you can identify patterns and trends that shed light on how customers interact with your brand.

Customer Journey Metrics

Customer journey analytics encompasses a range of metrics that provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. Some examples of these metrics include:

Collectively, these metrics contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the customer journey and help businesses optimize their strategies for better customer experiences and outcomes. By analyzing these metrics, you can identify areas where customers are dropping out of the journey and take action to improve those stages.

Customer Journey Analytics Tools

Similar to customer journey mapping tools, there are also various analytics tools available to help you track and analyze data related to the customer journey. Some popular options include:

Auch, don’t forget to make the most out of the tools you already use. Zum Beispiel, your email marketing platform reports might provide you with insights into customer engagement and interaction with your email campaigns. Your CRM software may also offer data on customer interactions throughout the sales process. As for your ecommerce platform, it can provide information on customer purchasing patterns and behaviors.

Checking sales stats for an online store

Implement Customer Journey Orchestration

Customer journey orchestration is the process of delivering personalized and consistent experiences to consumers across all customer touchpoints. After you create a roadmap of the ideal customer journey, you can then use automation and personalization tools to deliver that experience.

Some examples of customer journey orchestration tools include email marketing, Retargeting-Anzeigen, Mitteilungen, and chatbots. These tools play a crucial role in providing a seamless and relevant experience at each stage of the customer journey.

E-Mail-marketing allows you to engage with customers directly through personalized messages, keeping them informed and connected. Retargeting ads help you re-engage customers who have shown interest in your products or services, reminding them of what they might have missed.

Push notifications enable you to deliver timely and targeted messages to customers’ devices, ensuring they stay updated with your latest offerings. Chatbots, auf der anderen Seite, provide instant assistance and support, enhancing the overall customer experience.

By leveraging these customer journey orchestration tools effectively, you can significantly increase the chances of conversion and foster long-term customer loyalty.

More Resources for Positive Customer Experience

In the Ecwid Blog, we have tons of helpful content for business owners, including our own Ecwid Ecommerce Show podcast. These resources can help you dive deeper into customer journey mapping and analytics, as well as other essential aspects of running a successful business. Zum Beispiel:

Customer Service Tools Every Business Needs

In diesem Podcast, we discuss the top customer service tools that can help you build stronger relationships with customers and improve their overall experience with your brand.

Retaining Customers with a Smart Loyalty Program

Customer retention is an essential aspect of any successful business. In diesem Podcast, we share ways to create a loyalty program that will keep customers coming back for more.

How to Increase Customer Loyalty With Email Marketing

In diesem Blog-Post, we dive into the power of email marketing and how it can be used to drive sales and foster customer loyalty.

See all episodes of the Ecwid Ecommerce Show hier.

Let’s Sum Up Creating a Customer Journey

Improving the customer journey in ecommerce is essential not only for closing more sales but also for building lasting relationships with customers.

You can attract and retain loyal customers by understanding the customer journey, creating customer journey maps, using customer journey analytics, orchestrating the customer journey, and optimizing each stage of the journey.

Let’s sum up some of the main points that we discussed above:

Erinnern, the customer journey is not a one-time project but an ongoing process of continuous improvement. Keep monitoring, tweaking, and testing your customer journey to ensure it evolves with your customers’ needs and preferences. Auf diese Weise, you’ll have a competitive edge in the ecommerce landscape and set yourself up for success.

Über den Autor
Anastasia Prokofieva ist ein Content-Schriftsteller bei Ecwid. Sie schreibt über Online-Marketing und Promotion zum Alltag make Unternehmer leichter und lohnender. Sie hat auch ein Faible für Katzen, Schokolade, und machen Kombucha zu Hause.

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