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10 Best Rating and Review Tools for Online Stores

16 min read

I en tid, hvor købsbeslutninger er stærkt påvirket af online anmeldelser, at have et stærkt online omdømme og masser af positive kundeudtalelser er afgørende for enhver e-handelsbutik.

Det har undersøgelser vist 87% af forbrugerne siger online anmeldelser påvirker deres købsbeslutninger, og 84% stoler lige så meget på onlineanmeldelser som personlige anbefalinger fra venner eller familie.

Med det i tankerne, det er afgørende for dig, som butiksejer, at kunne indsamle og vise kundeanmeldelser effektivt.

I denne omfattende guide, we’ll discuss how to get customers to leave reviews and share our recommendations for the best customer review sites and tools at your disposal.

Why Use a Customer Review Tool for Your Online Store

Do you ever wonder what percentage of customers leave reviews? 52% of global internet users aged 25-34 leave reviews online. Så, it’s only natural that customer reviews have become an essential part of the online shopping experience.

By reading reviews, customers gather valuable insights, allowing them to make informed decisions about the products they wish to purchase.

Customer reviews not only help your potential buyers in making decisions, but they’re also instrumental in building trust and confidence in your store, which ultimately results in higher sales and conversions.

Percentage of global internet users who post reviews online (Kilde: Statista)

Plus, as an online store owner, reviews are helpful for you, også. You can implement customers’ feedback for at optimere dine produkter og tjenester og forbedre den overordnede shoppingoplevelse.

i øvrigt, din evne til at svare på negativ forbrugerfeedback ville betyde, at du kan stole på, og i sidste ende, at levere løsninger til adskillige kundeproblemer vil give dig ekstra positive anmeldelser.

Mange butiksejere spekulerer på, hvordan man beder en kunde om en anmeldelse. Godt, mange forbrugere er villige til at give feedback, efter at de er blevet bedt om det via e-mail, eller efter at de har købt dit produkt. Dermed, it is a great idea to strive to increase the number of reviews on your products.

Imidlertid, collecting customer reviews manually can be a time-consuming and tedious task. This is where customer review tools come in – to make your life easier and help you take control of your online reputation.

You’ll need ecommerce review software or tools in order to maximize the reviews for your online store. Konkret, what these tools do is that they help you stay organized and manage your reviews effectively. Trods alt, you are very likely to find tracking and responding to reviews more challenging as your store grows.

Så, using review software or tools offers various benefits for your online store. Disse inkluderer:

  • Efficient review collection: Automate the process of collecting reviews via email, SMS, or other channels, allowing you to gather more customer feedback effectively.
  • Streamlined review management: Easily respond to customer feedback and address any negative reviews, enhancing your store’s reputation and demonstrating excellent customer service.
  • Customizable display options: Showcase your customer reviews attractively on your website or product pages, boosting your store’s credibility and overall appeal.
  • Insightful analytics: Track the performance of your product ratings, Begejstring, and overall review trends to help optimize your markedsstrategi og produktudbud.

You can ensure that nothing slips between the cracks and maintain your credibility by investing in a reliable ecommerce review tool.

Essential Features of Ecommerce Review Tools

Så, what should you look for in a good customer review tool? Here are the essential features to consider:

The most important part of these tools is that they simplify the collection and management of reviews. They offer automated reviews, so you can avoid having to reach out to each customer manually.

Some tools offer rewards or incentives for customers who leave reviews, making it more likely for them to do so. If you’re not sure how to get customers to leave reviews, incitamenter som rabatter ved næste køb kan hjælpe meget.

I øvrigt, hvis du bruger Ecwid by Lightspeed til din online butik, du kan aktivere automatiske anmodninger om gennemgang via e-mail med et enkelt klik – og giv rabat som et incitament, hvis du ønsker det.

Et eksempel på en automatisk anmeldelsesanmodning, du kan konfigurere i din Ecwid-butik

Derudover, Ecwid-brugere kan smukt vise indsamlede anmeldelser på deres websteder med Customer Testimonials-blokke for øjeblikkelig site. med Ecwid, du kan også display reviews on product pages, which eliminates the need for a third-party platform.

Der er forskellige typer kundeanmeldelsesblokke til din Ecwid-butik

Since customers can leave reviews on different online platforms, you might want to try a tool that integrates with platforms like Google, Facebook, and Yelp, allowing you to collect reviews from various sources.

Ecommerce review tools can also provide advanced features, including Google SEO-rich snippets, multilingual support, the ability to showcase video and photo reviews, and multiple publishing options.

Best Customer Review and Rating Tools for Online Stores

To help you enhance your online store’s reputation and leverage these benefits mentioned, we’ve rounded up some of the top customer review tools available:


HelpfulCrowd is an all-in-one customer review and loyalty platform designed for online stores. With features like automated review collection, customizable display options, and insightful analytics, it’s a comprehensive solution for collecting, administrerende, and leveraging customer reviews.

HelpfulCrowd offers a range of features to enhance your product reviews. With Google-friendly SEO snippets, Q&A sections, video reviews, and automatic translation in over 27 Sprog, they’ve got you covered. It also connects with Facebook and Google reviews.

HelpfulCrowd seamlessly integrates with your Ecwid store, so you can easily set up and manage customer reviews without any hassle.


TargetBay is a customer engagement platform that offers reviews, ratings, and testimonial solutions for online stores. With features like automated review requests, customizable templates, fora, and QA sections, it’s an excellent tool to manage your reviews effectively and boost your store’s reputation.

TargetBay also offers a visual product reviews feature where customers can upload photos of their purchased products alongside their feedback. It also lets you moderate reviews to stop spammers and showcase only genuine user-generated content.

All content generated is indexable by Google; it helps improve your organic ranking and customer engagement.

TargetBay also integrates with Ecwid stores, så du nemt kan sætte det op og begynde at indsamle kundeanmeldelser.

Automatiserede kundeanmeldelser

Automatiserede kundeanmeldelser sender en undersøgelses-e-mail efter køb til hver kunde, tillader tilpasning af e-mail-skabelonen og tilbyder rabatkuponer. Tilfredse kunder omdirigeres til et udvalgt anmeldelsessted, mens utilfredse kunder ledes til en tilpasset feedbackformular. Denne måde, de kan kontakte dig direkte for hurtig problemløsning og for at undgå negative webstedsanmeldelser.

Bortset fra de mest almindelige anmeldelsessider som Facebook, Google anmeldelser, eller Yelp, the Automated Customer Reviews app enables you to integrate additional review sites where your satisfied customers can be directed.

The app also integrates with Ecwid stores and automates the review management process. It’s a simple and effective way to collect customer reviews and improve your store’s reputation.


Trustami provides an innovative service that consolidates all ratings and reviews in one place, showcasing your trustworthiness and boosting sales.

Trustami collects, analyzes, and presents users’ distributed social media/web data in a standardized and user-friendly format. Denne måde, shoppers can easily see all of your great ratings from various platforms in one place, making it easier to trust and make a purchase.

Trustami also integrates with Ecwid stores, allowing you to showcase collected ratings on your website.


Yotpo is a review tool specifically for generating reviews. With Yotpo, you can send your customers automated emails after they make a purchase. Og dette kan både være til anmeldelsesformål og for at opsælge dine produkter.

Desuden, Yotpo har tilpassede widgets, som du kan inkludere hvor som helst på webstedet. Widgets omfatter pålidelige og dybe oplysninger om anmelderen, hvormed du kan stille køberne vigtige spørgsmål, som kan hjælpe dem med at træffe en beslutning.

Oprindeligt designet som en anmeldelsesapp, det tilbyder nu brugerne en række funktioner til loyalitetsbelønninger, brugergenereret indhold, og SMS markedsføring. Med kunstig intelligens, appen kan samle anmeldelser problemfrit og vise dem på din hjemmeside og andre sociale medier såsom Google og Facebook.


Trustpilot er en populær anmeldelsessoftware, der kan fremme kundernes tillid. Trustpilot hjælper brugere med at udføre bestemte handlinger, såsom upload af mailinglister og udsendelse af e-mailinvitationer til gennemgang, blandt andre. Disse anmeldelser sendes til Bing eller Google. Med Trustpilot, du kan kontrollere eller spore fremskridtene for kundernes anmeldelser og svare på deres vurderinger.

Trustpilot’s free tier offers review management and reporting, while the paid plans include additional features such as customized review requests, Google seller ratings, and on-site widgets. is a versatile tool to collect and showcase user-generated content ranging from photos to video reviews.

If you seek to integrate your reviews with a loyalty program, this software is for you. It offers a points and rewards system, referral program functionality, and a VIP program. The tool is vastly responsive, tilbyder en bred vifte af funktioner, som både små og store butikker kan bruge. har brugerdefinerede anmeldelsesformularer, localization med mere end 20 Sprog, incitamenter til produktgennemgang, Google SEO-rige uddrag, oprettelse af annoncer eller push anmeldelser til sociale medier, og indsamling af anmeldelser af messenger, SMS, eller e-mail. tilbyder Basic- og Business-planer, hvis priser varierer baseret på antallet af ordrer. Etablerede butikker kan kontakte dem for tilpassede priser.


Junip er et anmeldelsesværktøj til e-handel, netop en skalerbar anmeldelsesplatform, der gør det muligt for e-handelsbutikker at indsamle ubegrænset tekst, video, og fotoanmodninger. Appen er brugervenlig og nem at sætte op, og det kan bruges på hjemmesiden i formularer til anmeldelsesanmodning for at afspejle din branding som en onlinebutik.

En anden fascinerende ting ved Junip er, at den integreres med Google Shopping og marketingapps, herunder Omnisend, Efterskrift, Dryppe, og Klaviyo.

eDesk Feedback

Dette er et værktøj til gennemgang af flere kanaler. Du kan bruge eDesk Feedback til at bede kunder om feedback på dine Amazon- eller eBay-butikker, on Trustpilot, Google, og mange flere. Det hjælper primært med at udføre e-mail og anmode om produktanmeldelser bekvemt. Dette kan udløses af hændelser udført af kunderne, lige fra at efterlade en positiv ordreanmeldelse til at modtage produktet, blandt andre.

Brugerne har også fuld kontrol over hvorfor, hvad, og hvornår man skal sende en e-mail til kunden. Det er blandt de bedste anmeldelsesværktøjer til e-handel, fordi det gør det nemt at automatisere dine anmodninger om kundeanmeldelse.


Bazaarvoice is a popular customer review and rating software. It allows brands and retailers to collect and display several types of user-generated content on their ecommerce websites.

Apart from showing and displaying ratings, consumer reviews, spørgsmål, and answers, Bazaarvoice also helps manage other types of user-generated content, such as social content, sampling, skaber, and influencer marketing.

Best Practices for Managing Customer Reviews

Now that we’ve discussed some of the most popular customer review tools, let’s go over some best practices for using them effectively.

If you’re not sure how to respond to customer reviews, the first step is to establish a process for responding to both positive and negative reviews. This shows that you value customer feedback and are actively engaged in improving your business.

Derudover, sørge for at monitor and track your reviews regularly. This will help you identify any recurring issues or areas where you can improve.

It’s also important to cover a variety of review sites, as customers may have different preferences for where they leave reviews. By using a review management tool, you can make sure to cover all the major platforms and collect reviews from multiple sources.

Langt om længe, don’t be afraid to ask for reviews! Trods alt, happy customers are more likely to leave positive reviews if they are asked to. Use email marketing or social media to reach out and request feedback from your customers.

Choose Your Customer Review Tool

Ecommerce reviews and ratings have continuously helped Amazon and other ecommerce stores build a great shopping empire through factors such as social proof, brand experience, and consumer trust.

Now that you know the essential features of customer review tools and have an overview of the top options available, let’s sum it up for some easier decision-making.

A good ecommerce review software or tool should be able to do some or all of the following:

  • automatically request reviews from customers via email or other channels
  • filter reviews and messages by type
  • manage reviews across different platforms
  • support scheduling of post-purchase messages
  • integrate with your ecommerce platform.

For a review tool that integrates with Ecwid and showcases ratings from different platforms, go for HelpfulCrowd, TargetBay, Trustami, eller Automatiserede kundeanmeldelser.

If you’ve ever wondered how to ask customers for reviews, the featured tools in this article are designed to ease that concern for good. Vælg en af ​​dem for at løfte din virksomhed og opbygge kundernes tillid.



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Om forfatteren

Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Bortset fra det, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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