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Using the Psychology ofDecision-Making in Sales Content Optimization

17 min read

Først, the question:

Living in the age of unlimited options, why do you choose a particular product? What makes you sacrifice all the alternatives you might need tomorrow and prioritize one thing over another?

Here’s the hint:

It’s not because you need it. With the internet being the #1 source of information today, it’s the indhold used by online marketers to influence your decision and convince you to purchase a product. They understand the psychology of decision-making and optimize sales content accordingly.

I denne artikel, you’ll reveal the psychological concepts behind choices and decisions and learn how to use them in marketing content to get more customers til din virksomhed.

The Psychology of Decision-Making

Imagine the situation:

One day you wake up and understand you need a new laptop. You go online, see dozens of offers there, compare features and prices, og… buy the one you didn’t consider best while searching.

Et par uger senere, you sit at that new laptop and think something like, “Godt, it’s nice, but I should have taken that one from XXX.

It’s the work of one of the five psychological concepts influencing our decisions:

Emotional Outburst when Comparing Multiple Offers

The more options we have, the more difficult it is for our brain to decide which one to choose. Det undersøgelse beviser det:

Overthinking a product leads to an emotional outburst that signals our brain to choose faster. Som resultat, we often follow emotional rather than rational factors when comparing multiple products on different websites. It takes milliseconds:

“Så, alligevel, this one seems nice — I take it!”

For at få mest muligt ud af dette psykologiske trick, marketingfolk laver indhold, der appellerer til positive følelser og følelser. Ifølge Wharton University of Pennsylvania undersøgelse, de bedste instrumenter her er humor, personalisering, og catering til jagten på lykke.

Vis forbrugerne, hvordan dit produkt eller din service vil få dem til at føle sig, og det vil konvertere meget bedre end dine rationelle forklaringer af dets funktioner. Følelsesmæssige produktvideoer, annoncer, — husk fyrene fra Dollar Shave Club, der sprængte internettet i luften i god tid? — and catchy custom visuals at landing pages can do wonders here.

Epicurrence created a landing page with signature visuals

The Psychology of Usefulness

Digital consultant Gord Hotchkiss defines the cognitive process determining people to stay loyal to a product as the need to find usefulness before trying it.

And here’s the kicker:

Our brain is lazy, and that’s why it determines usefulness as something that is most effective if allowing to spend less time and risk judging it.

When judging usefulness, the brain goes through a few steps to determine whether a product/service is worth loyalty to. Igen, it’s more about emotions than rationality:

How people determine whether a product is worth loyalty

As Gord says,

Our brains use a quicker and more heuristic method to mediate our output of effort – emotions. Frustration and anxiety tell us it’s time to move on to the next site or application. Feelings of reward and satisfaction indicate we should stay right where we are.

Så, the task of marketing content is to fremkalde positive følelser fra en læser. De kommunikerer, at nytten af ​​et produkt er højere end den opfattede risiko, mens negative følelser indikerer det modsatte.

The Framing Bias

Mens standardmodellen for rationelt valg i beslutningstagning stater at folk stræber efter at træffe det mest rationelle valg muligt, framing bias slår det hele:

Det foreslår at vi bygger beslutninger ud fra vores holdning frem for fakta om noget. Det “ramme” præsentation af informationen påvirker vores reaktion og valg.

For eksempel, -en “97% effektiv” produkt vil være mere konvertibelt end et med “bare en 3% fejlrate.”

En kendsgerning om et produkt kan påvirke en købsbeslutning, afhængigt af konteksten en marketingmedarbejder bruger til at repræsentere det. Gennem indramning, indholdsskabere kan fremkalde positive snarere end negative følelser fra en læser, thus determining his attitude toward a marketing message they are trying to communicate.

Hvordan gør marketingfolk “ramme” oplysningerne?

De bruger kraftord, der udløser følelser, sikre, at deres indhold har en merværdi og en stærk informationsduft, og overvej color psychology and principles of consistency when designing their marketing assets.

More on that is below.


Only the lazy didn’t hear the frenzy about the power of storytelling in marketing. Og det giver mening:

People retain 70% of information through stories, men kun 10% — through data and statistics. Så, if you want to build emotional connections with the audience and make them remember your brand, storytelling is the best instrument for that.

How storytelling affects the brain (Kilde)

Stories influence the human brain, activating the areas responsible for experiences. When reading a brand story, people feel as if it really happens, get engaged through empathy, and feel connected.

Such an emotional response influences our intent to buy more than bare facts about a product’s features and price. People use personal feelings to evaluate a brand, and that is why emotions rather than other judgments determine customer loyalty.

The Anchoring and Processing Fluency Biases

The anchoring bias is our tendency to rely on the first piece of information we get. i øvrigt, that first information will influence how we further evaluate similar things.

Isn’t that why salespeople often start product presentations with a high price and lower it? “Anchoringwith the first info they got, people start considering a discount the profitable offer to accept.

Anchoring effect illustrated (Kilde)

Godt, it seems the first impression truly matters!

Behandlingen flydende bias refererer til forestillingen om, at vi har en tendens til at tro, at ting, der er lettere at forstå, er mere troværdige. Hjernen forbinder flydende med en positiv oplevelse, skabe en følelse af falsk fortrolighed og dermed styrke tilliden.

Med andre ord, vores mening om noget afhænger af, hvor let vi forstår det. Vi foretrækker information, der er nemmere at få, og vi finde sådan information mere troværdig.

For at få, hvordan det virker, prøv at besvare spørgsmålet:

“Hvor mange dyr af hver slags tog Moses på arken?”


Another example of the processing fluency bias is how we interpret texts based on the font style they’re written in: Common and easy-to-read fonts make us more confident in our ability to digest the information.

Causes and judgmental consequences of processing fluency (Kilde)

That is why processing fluency is critical in user experience design: a website’s usability improvement can influence conversion rates by far.

Relaterede: 15 Perfekte skrifttypeparringer til dit e-handelswebsted

How to Use These Psychological Concepts in Content

People are more likely to choose what they know and suppose to like. It explains why we buy iPhones and drink at Starbucks even if we don’t consider these brands the best ones in their niche:

With all the above psychological concepts influencing our decisions, it’s clear that we choose products that look familiar, evoke positive associations, and are easy to understand.

Så, organize and optimize your marketing content accordingly — and your target audience will find you.

Sådan gør du:

Design It to Look Familiar

For people, your brand is a sign. As Harvard Business School professor Susan Fournier noted, det has no objective existence at all: it is simply a collection of perceptions held in the consumer’s mind.

People use a so-called semiotic branding triangle to define your brand and its message:

  • Identity: A brand’s mission, story, værdier, equity, og selve produktet.
  • Meddelelse: A brand’s logo, slogans, and content.
  • Ethos: A brand’s reputation and the way consumers perceive it.

A semiotic branding triangle provides a process to define a brand and its interpretations (Kilde)

For the audience to define your product and choose it among others, you need to attend to all three elements. It’s a time- and energy-consuming process, and the minimum you can do is to pay attention to your brand communication:

Design everything so that people recognize your content once they see it. When looking familiar to the brain, it’s easier to decide in favor of this particular item.

How to make the content look familiar?

  • Use brand colors throughout content assets på forskellige marketingkanaler, så brugerne kan genkende dig.
  • Design brugerdefinerede billeder af samme stil for dine indholdsaktiver; undgå lagerfotos eller generiske billeder, som brugere ser på snesevis af andre websteder.
  • Placer dit logo, hvor det er relevant på tværs af alle kanaler, du bruger til indholdspromovering.

Også: Hvordan du opretter en Awesome logo for dit brand

Også, overveje princippet om konsistens, når du designer dit marketingindhold:

Use the same fonts for headlines and the same content formats, og husk at develop your brand’s tone of voice.

The tone of voice is how your brand sounds and speaks to the audience. It needs to be consistent throughout all your messages for consumers to get used to it:

  • Use the same words, speech patterns, and sentence structures in all the content.
  • Decide on the tone you’ll use when speaking to the audience: Is your brand their friend, partner, eller lærer? Is it formal or friendly? Does it use humor in communication?

Create a brand book, aka guidelines for your content writers and designers, to follow the principles of coherency in brand communication. Ligesom Mailchimp, Coca-Cola, og mange andre mærker gjorde.

Et uddrag fra Skype-mærkebogen (Kilde)

Sørg for, at dit indhold har en stærk informationsduft

Som anført af Optimizely, informationsduft handler om the strength of relevant messaging throughout the customer journey as well as visual and textual cues that provide website visitors with hints on what information a site contains.

A robust information scent of your content ensures processing fluency and serves the psychology of usefulness.

In today’s world of content shock and short attention span, when people scan, not read, your content online, they need some visual clues that help them understand they’re at the right place to solve their problems.

What you can do with content for that:

  • Hold konsekvent with headlines, CTA colors, and imagery throughout all the pages of your sales funnel.
  • Make content easy to read: Consider a color-contrast ratio for your texts to contrast with backgrounds.
  • Make content navigation clear: Link information to correct pages for users to understand what they’ll see.
  • Avoid overloading with calls to action: Users should understand what they can do on a page; stick to theone page = one CTA” Herske.

Format for Scanning and Better Readability

Our attention span is shrinking, so marketers have around 8 seconds to connect with a potential customer. Some even insist on the five-second rule her:

Folk scanner indhold for meningsfulde overskrifter og visuelle spor, der vil hjælpe dem med at forstå, om de er på det rigtige sted og ønsker at lære mere. Med det for øje, du skal formatere indholdet i overensstemmelse hermed og læse korrektur på dine skrifter før udgivelsen.

Sådan formateres indhold til scanning:

  • Skriv kort sætninger og afsnit.
  • Brug underoverskrifter, punkttegn, ord med fed skrift,, og andre visuelle kroge, så læserne kan scanne dit indhold hurtigere.
  • Husk det visuelle: billeder, videoer, diagrammer, grafer, og andre elementer - den menneskelige hjerne opfatter dem 60,000 gange hurtigere end tekst, so it’s your chance to motivate readers to learn more.
  • Craft clear yet emotional headlines. Add the element of urgency for users to feel they’ll lose something if they don’t check your information right now. Tools like Emotional Headline Analyzer can help determine the emotional value of your headlines.

When your content is ready, check its readability scores via tools like Grammarly or Readable. Ifølge Cameron Craig, who had been doing PR for Apple for ten years, a text should be simple enough to be “let forstås af en gennemsnitlig 4. klasses elev eller lavere.”

Brug kraftord og menneskeligt sprog

Ord, du bruger i indholdet, kan få folk til at føle det på en bestemt måde. Alt efter hvilken følelse du ønsker at fremkalde hos en forbruger, overveje magtord og undgå pest.

Kraftord er leksikale elementer, der appellerer til vores frygt og ønsker, og det er derfor, de er så overbevisende og overbevisende, når de mødes i tekster. De garvede tekstforfattere Jon Morrow og Henneke Duistermaat beskrev sådanne ord bedst.

Ifølge i morgen, kraftord er beskrivende og overbevisende ord, der skaber en stærk følelsesmæssig respons hos mennesker. De kan få folk til at føle sig bange, begejstret, vred, eller nysgerrig. Brug af disse ord hjælper med at gøre indholdet mere interessant og overbevisende.

Duistermaat giver masser af eksempler på følelsesmæssige kraftord:

Eksempler på følelsesmæssige kraftord ifølge Henneke Duistermaat (Kilde)

På samme tid, do your best to speak the same language as your target audience. Brug menneskeligt sprog, Vær specifik, overveje ord dit publikum taler dagligt, og undgå kliché-marketing-taglines.

Add a Surplus Value

The psychology of decision-making doesn’t let people trust only one source, so make yours stand out from others. For det, add some surplus value to your marketing content.

People visit a minimum of three websites before they find what they want. Mere end det, 70% read up to six customer reviews before they decide to buy! Trustworthy testimonials, true-life comments from other customers, recommendations from influencers — all can become a surplus value to add to your content.

A few advanced tips:

  • Tilføj billeder af dine kunder til anmeldelser. At se ansigterne på rigtige mennesker bag vidnesbyrd, vi stoler mere på dem.
  • Tillad kunder at stemme på anmeldelser, som Amazon gjorde. Understøttet af ekstra udtalelser, sådanne kommentarer ser mere troværdige ud.

Udover kundeanmeldelser og andre former for social proof, overveje overskudsværdier som at henvise til autoritative ressourcer og skabe omfattende indhold, der ikke efterlader spørgsmål.


Ved du, at det kræver 82,944 processorer at simulere et sekunds menneskelig hjerneaktivitet?

Ja, choices are difficult, and decisions are even more challenging to make. I betragtning af de psykologiske faktorer bag dem, du kan optimere webindholdet for at påvirke kundernes beslutninger og motivere dem til at vælge dine produkter eller tjenester.



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Om forfatteren

Lesley Vos er en professionel tekstforfatter og gæst bidragyder, currently blogging at Specialiseret i forskningsdata, webtekst skrivning, og indhold markedsføring, hun er forelsket i ord, faglitteratur, og jazz. Besøg hendes Twitter @LesleyVos at sige hej og se flere værker.

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