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ENStep-By-Step Guide to Using Facebook Business Manager

11 min read

If you’ve already started selling or advertising your business on Facebook, you may have heard a thing or two about Facebook Business Manager (aka Meta Business Suite). Hvis ikke, don’t worry—we’re here to give you the lowdown.

Facebook Business Manager is a tool that allows businesses to manage their Facebook business all in one place. Using Business Manager can save you time when it comes to managing your Facebook page, creating and running ads, and working with team members or contractors.

Læs videre for at finde ud af alt, hvad du behøver at vide om at bruge Business Manager, herunder hvordan man sætter det op og bruger det som en professionel.

Hvad er Facebook Business Manager?

Facebook Business Manager, også kendt som Meta Business Suite, er en gratis platform, som virksomheder kan bruge til at administrere deres tilstedeværelse på Facebook og Instagram.

Men hvad kan du bruge Facebook Business Manager til? Du kan:

  • Opret og administrer flere Facebook- og Instagram-sider, publikumslister, eller produktkataloger – alt sammen ét sted!
  • Spor dine Facebook- og Instagram-annoncer med detaljerede oplysninger om dine marketingudgifter og visninger.
  • Uddelegere tilladelser, roller, og opgaver til teammedlemmer.
  • Arbejd med et bureau eller en social media manager for at overvåge arbejdskvaliteten, mens du sporer, hvad de gør for dig.
  • Hold din virksomhedsside mere sikker, og kør dit team uden at dele dit personlige Facebook-indhold med andre.

Business Manager har masser af værktøjer til at styre din tilstedeværelse på Facebook og Instagram

Har jeg brug for Facebook Business Manager?

If you’re still not sure you should use Facebook Business Manager, see if the following applies to you. These are the most common cases for when you would need Facebook Business Manager:

  • You run multiple Facebook or Instagram pages or ad accounts. This especially applies if you have several business locations or sub-brands.
  • You have employees who manage your Facebook or Instagram business pages.
  • You work with contractors to create, løb, or manage your pages or ads. Du ønsker at holde din virksomhed sikker ved at have fuld kontrol over adgang og tilladelser, når du arbejder med entreprenører.
  • Du vil anmode om adgang til andre Facebook-sider og annoncekonti eller dele dine egne med andre bureauer.

Hovedsagelig, Facebook Business Manager gør det nemmere at administrere din Facebook-virksomhedsside.

I dette indlæg, vi guider dig gennem processen med at bruge og konfigurere en Business Manager. Lad os komme igang!

Adgangsniveauer på Facebook Business Manager

Du kan give forskellige personer tilladelse til at gøre forskellige ting i Business Manager. Den vej, you have more control over your business and its assets.

There are two levels of permissions in Business Manager:

  • Business admins: They can control everything in Business Manager, including adding or removing team members and changing or deleting the company.
  • Business employees: They can access all data in the company’s settings but cannot make any changes. They can be assigned roles by business admins.

What You Can Manage with Facebook Business Manager

Here are all the assets you can control via Business Manager:

Facebook og Instagram sider

Facebook- og Instagram-sider er offentlige profiler, der er oprettet til din virksomhed. De kontrolleres af den virksomhed, de repræsenterer, og kan kun gøres krav på af én Business Manager. Imidlertid, flere konti kan styre en side, opslå og køre annoncer.


En annoncekonto er, hvor du betaler for dine Facebook- eller Instagram-annoncer og se, hvordan dine annoncer klarer sig. En annoncekonto skal have en tilknyttet betalingsmetode og en autoriseret person, der betaler for annoncekampagner ved hjælp af denne konto.

Since you’re paying for ads as a business owner, your Facebook Business Manager can run your ad account. You can also share your ad account with an agency or contractor so that they can run ads on your behalf.

Lær mere: How to Advertise on Facebook for Beginners


The Facebook pixel is a tool that helps you understand the actions people take on your website. For eksempel, it can tell you which product pages are visited the most or how many visitors abandoned their cart without making a purchase.

Hver Business Manager kan oprette op til fem pixels, som kan deles med Business Manager-partnere. Hvis en anden administrerer dine annoncer for dig, du kan lade dem styre dine pixels.

Pixel er afgørende for annoncering, da det hjælper med at måle effektiviteten af ​​dine annoncer. Lær mere om Facebook-pixel og hvordan man bruger den.


En Facebook-publikum er den gruppe af mennesker, du ønsker at nå ud til med dine annoncer. I bund og grund, det er et sæt parametre, der giver dig mulighed for at målrette dine potentielle kunder baseret på demografi, placeringer, og interesser. Du kan angive og gemme disse parametre, using them to create your Facebook or Instagram ads.

In Facebook Business Manager, you can share access with agencies or contractors so that they can access the audiences you’ve created.

How to Set up a Facebook Business Manager Account

Setting up an account for Facebook Business Manager is quite simple. Let’s break down the process:

  1. Go to and log in. You can also create a new account if you don’t have one yet.
  2. Enter your name, your business name, and your business email address.
  3. Choose whether you’re setting up Business Manager for yourself or someone else.
  4. Select the pages and ad accounts you want to add to Business Manager.

The process of setting up a Facebook Business Manager account

Now that your Business Manager is created, it’s time to add your assets, like pages, ad accounts, and pixels.

Også, if you have team members or contractors, you need to assign permissions to them so that they can start working in your Business Manager. We’ll explain how to do that below, så læs videre!

Sådan tilføjer du aktiver og tildeler tilladelser i Facebook Business Manager

Facebook Business Manager er et alsidigt værktøj, du kan bruge på mange forskellige måder. For at hjælpe dig i gang, vi gennemgår de nødvendige trin til de mest almindelige sager.

Vejledningen nedenfor forklarer, hvordan du tilføjer aktiver i Facebook Business Manager, såsom sider og annoncekonti. Du lærer også, hvordan du tildeler tilladelser til teammedlemmer eller bureauer i Business Manager.

Sådan forbinder du en Facebook-side:

  1. Gå til din Facebook Business Manager og find sektionen "Konti"..
  2. Choose “Pages” and click “Add a Page.”
  3. Enter the Facebook page name or URL and click “Add Page.”

If you are a page admin, your claim will be instantly approved. If you are not, the current page admin will receive a notification to approve the claim request.

How to connect an Instagram business account:

  1. Gå til din Facebook Business Manager og find sektionen "Konti"..
  2. Choose “Instagram Accounts” and click “Add.”
  3. Click “Connect Your Instagram Account” and log in to your Instagram account.
  4. Valgfri: Select the ad accounts and pages that you’d like to assign.
  5. Click “Finish.”

Sådan tilføjer du en annoncekonto:

  1. Gå til din Facebook Business Manager og find sektionen "Konti"..
  2. Klik på "Tilføj en annoncekonto".
  3. Gå ind i annoncekonto-id og klik på "Tilføj annoncekonto.

Sådan tildeler du teammedlemmer:

  1. Gå til din Facebook Business Manager og find sektionen "Brugere".
  2. Gå til "Personer" og klik på "Tilføj".
  3. Indtast e-mailadressen på den person, du vil give tilladelser til.
  4. Tildel enten medarbejder- eller administratoradgang. Når du er færdig, klik på "Næste". Bemærk: Det anbefales at tilføje mindst to personer som Business Manager-administratorer og resten som medarbejdere.
  5. Select accounts and tools you want this person to work with and have access to. Then click “Invite.”

How to add an agency or a consultant:

  1. Go to your Facebook Business Manager and find the “Users” section.
  2. Go to “Partners” and click “Add” under “Partner to share assets with.”
  3. Enter the partner business ID and click “Next.” If you don’t know your partner’s business ID, ask them to send it to you using these instruktioner.
  4. Give the partner access to assets you want them to work on and assign a role for them.
  5. Klik på ”Gem”.

Learn More About Using Facebook for Business

Running a business can be very time-consuming, so it’s a good idea to become familiar with tools that save you time and energy.

Facebook Business Manager is one of those tools. It helps streamline your social media marketing efforts by giving you control over all your Facebook assets in one place. So don’t hesitate to try it out by using this article as your guide.

If you’d like to learn more about using Facebook for your business, tjek den “Sælg på Facebookcollection in our blog. It contains articles and podcasts that explain the nitty-gritty of promoting your business on the world’s most popular social media platform.



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