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Sådan pifter du din bureauvirksomhed op ved at tilføje e-handel

8 min read

Starten på ethvert nyt år, kvarter, eller endda måned er et godt tidspunkt at gennemgå tidligere beslutninger for din virksomhed og også sætte nye. Det er altid en god idé at have en fornemmelse af, hvor din virksomhed er i øjeblikket, men du vil også gerne holde øje med, hvor du vil have den hen.

Indstilling kan defineres, intentionelle mål er en vigtig del af at drive en succesfuld virksomhed. For eksempel, alle har et mål om at tjene flere penge, men det er et ret bredt og vagt mål. Du vil måske tjene flere penge, men hvordan vil du gøre det? Hvilke planer har du for at tjene flere penge - hvilke konkrete, opnåelige skridt vil du tage? Med andre ord, hvordan vil du tjene flere penge?

En interessant indtægtsopbygningsstrategi er dukket op for bureauer. Den igangværende vækst i udnyttelsen af ​​digitale tjenester er blevet forværret af COVID-19-pandemien, som har drevet mennesker og virksomheder til at gøre endnu mere af deres forretning online. Med efterspørgslen efter disse tjenester stigende, mange bureauer tilføjer nye tilbud til deres portefølje af tjenester som en måde at opsælge nuværende kunder og tiltrække nye.

Nogle af disse bureauer er begyndt at tilbyde e-handel sammen med deres kernetjenester for at holde dem konkurrencedygtige på markedet. Dette giver mening, da e-handel har oplevet en enorm vækst på det seneste.

Tilføjelse af nye tjenester som e-handel, imidlertid, stiller spørgsmålet: skal du bygge og lancere disse nye digitale tjenester internt, eller partner med en anden virksomhed for at henvise eller videresælge deres tjenester?

At bygge en ny service fra bunden kan virke attraktivt udefra, men medmindre du har lidt tid og kapital til at brænde, det er sandsynligt, at dit bedste bud er at danne et partnerskab med en dokumenteret spiller, uanset hvilket serviceområde du overvejer.

Ecwid is a market leader in both providing ecommerce services and establishing business partnerships with a range of companies — including digital agencies — to enable them to sell ecommerce directly to their customers and modernize their business service suite.

But how does an agency go about forming this kind of partnership and begin offering ecommerce to its clients? Read on to see how your business can start selling ecommerce quickly (and easily!) with one of the world’s best ecommerce platforms.

1. Decide which partnership option is right for your business

Hos Ecwid, we know that the needs of customers and businesses are constantly evolving. That’s why we offer a range of partnership options and levels so that you can custom-fit ecommerce to your business needs, including referring and reselling.

Some of our partners prefer to refer their customers to Ecwid’s award-winning ecommerce platform. This option requires very little lift out of you, the partner: you simply provide your customers with your unique referral link and receive a 20% lifetime commission anytime someone signs up for a paid subscription using it — and you’ll continue to earn as long as they keep their account active.

Some of our partners also build apps for Ecwid’s bustling app market, getting their app in front of thousands of merchants across the globe. The application process is simple and it puts you in touch with the Ecwid team to discuss things like billing and launching the actual app.

The majority of our partners, imidlertid, resell Ecwid’s ecommerce solution. This allows them to sell the ecommerce services their customers crave without building the solution from scratch (and potentially throwing their finances into chaos). And our industry-leading white label options mean that you can sell ecommerce services that are as tightly aligned with your branding and logos as you’d like! (You can also opt to co-brand the ecommerce you’re reselling and leverage Ecwid’s well-regarded brand right alongside your own.)

2. Determine your pricing model and other details

One of the great benefits of reselling Ecwid’s ecommerce services is that you get to determine your own pricing. Sell it as a full-price standalone service? Jo da! Sell it at a discount as an add-on to some of your core offerings? Absolut!

Som forhandler, you’re in the driver’s seat because when you partner with Ecwid, you gain access to deep discounts on plans that you can resell to your customers at any price you like. You can also change the price over time as your goals change, giving you the flexibility you need when you need it.

So you aren’t just reselling Ecwid ecommerce; you’re selling another great service that’s a part of dine forretning, and with the pricing to match.

3. Build interest with Ecwid-made collateral

Once you’ve determined how (and for how much) you’re going to sell ecommerce and signed your agreement with Ecwid, you’ll want to start letting your customers know that this great new service will soon be available to them. Det lyder som meget arbejde, ret?

Don’t worry — Ecwid Partners gain access to our wide-ranging library of readymade collateral that you can reuse how you see fit. Explore advertising and marketing tools that’ll save you time and money: tutorial videos, go-to-market playbøger, grafik, banners and beyond. Den vej, you can focus on providing the business services your customers need.

4. Launch!

With those three things taken care of, you can start the countdown to your launch date and your new revenue stream!

As an Ecwid reseller, your customers will soon have access to cutting-edge, cloud-hosted ecommerce that’s been rated the fastest implementation by G2 — meaning you and your clients can get their stores set up and selling in no time, så de vil ikke have nogen forsinkelser i at øge deres egen indtjening, også.

We hope this has been helpful, but we want to know: have you added a new offering to your service suite previously? Did you grow it in-house or did you partner with another business? Lad os vide i kommentarerne!

Do you want to learn more about growing your business with the Ecwid Partner Program?


Let's Partner

Easily offer ecommerce services to your own customers with the Ecwid Partner Program.

Om forfatteren

Colin Thompson is a content writer at Ecwid. He writes about marketing, business development, and promotion for our Ecwid Partners. He loves cats, Chicago sports, deep dish pizza and going on hikes.

Ecommerce that has your back

So simple to use – even my most technophobic clients can manage. Easy to install, quick to set up. Light years ahead of other shop plugins.
I’m so impressed I’ve recommended it to my website clients and am now using it for my own store along with four others for which I webmaster. Beautiful coding, excellent top-notch support, great documentation, fantastic how-to videos. Thank you so much Ecwid, you rock!
I’ve used Ecwid and I love the platform itself. Everything is so simplified it’s insane. I love how you have different options to choose shipping carriers, to be able to put in so many different variants. It’s a pretty open e-commerce gateway.
Easy to use, overkommelige (and a free option if starting off). Looks professional, many templates to select from. The App is my favorite feature as I can manage my store right from my phone. Highly recommended 👌👍
I like that Ecwid was easy to start and to use. Even for a person like me, without any technical background. Very well written help articles. And the support team is the best for my opinion.
For everything it has to offer, ECWID is incredibly easy to set up. Highly recommend! I did a lot of research and tried about 3 other competitors. Just try ECWID and you'll be online in no time.

Your ecommerce dreams start here

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