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E-handelssikkerhed: Sådan beskytter du din onlinebutik mod cybertrusler

15 min read

Cyberkriminelle retter sig mod virksomheder, der arbejder med en stor mængde personlige data, men som har grundlæggende sikkerhedspraksis på plads. Som sådan, de vil ofte målrette mod e-handelsbutikker.

Siden 2020, e-handel har boomet, hjælper tusindvis af iværksættere med at starte deres onlinevirksomheder. uheldigvis, onlinebutikker er også blevet det almindelige offer for hackere, der ønsker at stjæle kundedata.

I 2021, næsten 83% af e-handelsvirksomheder oplevede sikkerhedsangreb på Black Friday/Cyber ​​Monday, up from about 32% i 2019. På trods af stigningen i angreb, kun 32% of business owners reported feeling ready to stop attacks.

I denne artikel, we’ll discuss ecommerce security, the most common threats, and how you can protect your online store from cybercriminals.

What is ecommerce security?

Store owners should set protocols that protect user data from hackers—these protocols are ecommerce security measures. Since consumer trust is the holy grail for online stores, the goal of ecommerce security is to support the customer-seller relationship by providing a safe environment.

To effectively do this, ecommerce security protocols must:

  • Beskyt private data fra tredjeparter
  • Hold data uforfalsket
  • Tillad kun autoriserede personer adgang

Kun en holistisk kombination af dataintegritet, autenticitet, og privatliv kan sikre din e-handelsvirksomhed fra hackers nysgerrige øjne. Læs videre for at lære, hvordan du kan sikre sikkerhed.

Forskellen mellem e-handelssikkerhed og overholdelse

E-handelssikkerhed er en proces i konstant udvikling, som bør bekymre dig og din virksomhed. It works independently of compliance and requires proactive actions from your end to safeguard customer transactions and data.

Overholdelse, på den anden side, focuses on how authorities perceive your business practices based on set standards. For eksempel, there is the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. You need to be PCI DSS compliant in order to safely process credit card data. If you’re using Ecwid fra Lightspeed til din online butik, you’re already PCI DSS compliant.

Ecommerce stores also need to be aware of various regional laws if they serve customers from certain areas. For eksempel, hvis du sælger online i Europa, du skal overholde GDPR-reglerne, mens du behandler dine kunders data. Husk, at den gælder for din virksomhed, selvom den ikke er beliggende i Europa. Hvis du har kunder fra EU, du har brug for overholdelse af GDPR.

Ecwid by Lightspeed har alt hvad du behøver for at overholde GDPR-reglerne. Tjek disse instruktioner for at sikre, at du har aktiveret alle de nødvendige indstillinger for overholdelse af GDPR.

Et af GDPR-kravene er at få kundernes klare samtykke til brugen af ​​cookies

Vigtige sikkerhedstrusler for e-handel

Before you learn how to protect your online store from cybercriminals, you have to identify the various security threats. When it comes to ecommerce, most attackers will pose as authentic sites to exploit consumer trust, or directly attack the payment system online stores use.


Phishing is one of the oldest tricks in a hacker’s book and still highly effective today. Its success hinges on exploiting people’s willingness to trust the authenticity of a business.

Hackers mimic real businesses to send malicious files and links to consumers, extracting data when a recipient responds. I de fleste tilfælde, hackers use fake invoices, account upgrade offers, and new orders to lure people in. Phishing scams target a business’s internal teams and customers. Tit, it’s difficult to tell a scam from the real thing without a keen eye.

Common phishing types in ecommerce include:

  • Clone phishing: a phishing attack where hackers clone a previous legitimate email and send a copy to the recipient with malicious links.
  • Spear phishing or whale phishing: en hacker kan foregive at være din medarbejder og bede dig om at overføre penge til dem eller ændre betalingsoplysninger for fakturaen, etc.

Følg disse instruktioner from our Help Center to protect yourself from phishing.


Spam er en stor mængde, lavt angreb, der lokker forbrugerne til at klikke på ondsindede links. Mens vedhæftede filer typisk bruges til phishing, spam-beskeder vil ofte vises i SMS, kommentarer, direkte beskeder, og e-mails med links.

For eksempel, e-handelswebsteder vil vise forbrugeranmeldelser for socialt bevis. Hackers will use the comment section to share spam. Make sure to clean spam comments or reviews from your website. If you’re not on top of spam messages on your website, you might attract penalties from Google—and lose loyal customers.

Financial fraud

Financial fraud takes many shapes but it’s one of the most popular ways hackers can attack your business. Criminals skim credit card websites to scrape data, run phishing scams to obtain card details from customers, order products using stolen cards, og brug falske returanmodninger til at dræne kunder og din virksomhed.

I tilfælde af at du eller dine kunder bliver ramt af kreditkortsvindel, consider setting up an alert that tells them when to lock or freeze their credit.

DDoS og brute force angreb

Når hackere går i offensiven, de vil henvende sig til Dedikeret Denial of Service (DDoS) og brute force angreb. DDoS, og lignende DoS, angreb overvælder og lukker til sidst et e-handelswebsted ved at sende højvolumen trafik fra en eller distribuerede servere.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales give hackers the best opportunity to make online stores unavailable. This is the side of ecommerce security that directly impacts your ability to sell goods.

Brute force attacks use trial and error methods to get access to login or financial details. Since this is an automated process, hackers don’t take long to find the right combinations.

Malware and ransomware

Every business should be aware of malware and ransomware, which are constant cybersecurity threats. Malware is the umbrella term for any kind of software designed to steal, slette, and hold data hostage. This can be done with adware slowing down devices, trojan horses modifying operating systems, and SQL injections corrupting databases.

Ransomware is a type of malware that has gained prominence in recent times because of the amount of critical data people store in their devices and the extent they’re willing to go to retrieve that.

Social engineering attacks

Phishing and other scams rely heavily on social engineering tactics to deceive targets. With the proliferation of datasets, social engineering has become an effective tool for hackers. They use profile backgrounds to pretend to be reliable businesses or customers and exploit emotional vulnerabilities to steal data.

If you get scammed online by a social engineering attack, knowing how to respond quickly can help you recover what you’ve lost.

How to protect your online store from cyber threats

Now that you know the various ways cybercriminals can target your store or customers, it’s time to understand how you can defend against them.

Secure your passwords

If you think your passwords are strong, Tænk igen. Ifølge en Hive Systems study, brute force attacks can hack an 8-character alphanumeric password in 39 minutter.

Here are the best practices for strong passwords:

  • Always use combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters, numre, and special characters to make your passwords complex.
  • As the Hive Systems study shows, the length of passwords matters as much, hvis ikke mere. Make it compulsory for teams and new customers to create 12-character passwords.
  • Do not recycle old passwords because they often open doors to socially engineered attacks.
  • The same goes for generic and easy-to-guess references. Don’t use popular quotes, fødselsdage, or personal information. Mest vigtigt, don’t share passwords publicly.
  • Ultimativt, use a good password manager to create random and complex passwords for logins.

Choose a secure hosting and ecommerce platform

A major part of your ecommerce security depends on the webhosting and ecommerce platforms you choose. Du kan gå med Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, eller vælg en kategorispecifik hostingudbyder med indbyggede e-handelsfaciliteter.

På den ene eller anden måde, du skal sørge for, at dine hosting- og e-handelsplatforme dækker nogle få grundlæggende ting:

  • PCI overholdelse
  • Automatiske sikkerhedskopier
  • HTTPS overalt
  • Indsamler ikke kreditkortoplysninger
  • Integreres med flere betalingsudbydere

Ecwid af Lightspeed blev bygget på sikkerhed og kundernes privatliv. It’s based on AWS and covers all the best security practices listed above to make your ecommerce business as safe as it can be.

To show your customers that shopping in your store is secure, Ecwid shows this message on checkout

Get an SSL certificate

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate is essential for online stores that receive a lot of sensitive queries. SSL encrypts all user requests to website servers, from account logins to payment information.

SSL is also part of the HTTPS protocol which makes your website more resilient against hackers. An ecommerce store without an SSL certificate exposes its traffic to anyone looking to swoop in and steal information.

SSL is mandatory for PCI DSS compliance and since Ecwid by Lightspeed supports PCI DSS, your online store is automatically protected with a proper SSL certificate.

If you added an Ecwid store to an existing website, Vær sikker på at du get an SSL certificate for the rest of your website.

Ecwid stores are protected with HTTPS protocol and SSl. Your customers can easily see that shopping in your online store is safe

Use antivirus software

While it’s true operating software has evolved in terms of security, so have hackers. While computers are particularly prone to cyberattacks, mobile devices can get hacked too. Don’t run your business using the default protections on your devices.

Antivirus software uses years of industry knowledge and expertise to proactively detect attacks and mitigate their threats to help you avoid downtime. You cannot manually search for malware, viruses, or spyware in your admin panel or networks every second. Antivirus software automates tasks and keeps an eye out for possible data thefts.

Good antivirus software may even package malware protection with identity theft protection, private VPN, and password manager for all-around security.

Perform regular backups

Ecommerce websites store tons of product media (såsom produktbilleder) and user data that require regular backups. When you make backups of your website, you mitigate the risk of hardware malfunctions and cyberattacks slowing down your business. Most ecommerce hosting providers, including Ecwid by Lightspeed, offer automatic website backups for these reasons.

You may wonder, why should I focus on backups if my ecommerce host takes care of them? Automatic backups to the cloud are great and save you time if something goes wrong. But you should also go one step ahead and download copies of your website data regularly, preferably on a separate device. This is a failsafe that can save you from slowdowns, shutdowns, and damage to your reputation.

Set up a VPN

Most ecommerce stores in the post-pandemic world have remote teams, making a virtual private network (VPN) crucial for security.

VPNs encrypt data traveling between nodes and hide IP addresses in most cases. Medarbejdere kan dele store filer sikkert, og kunder kan dele fortrolige data uden at få det sporet tilbage til dem. VPN'er giver dig også mulighed for at flytte forbi geografiske begrænsninger og betjene kunder på bredere markeder. Du kan også oprette et virtuelt privat netværk på din kontorrouter for at holde alle enheder på stedet sikre.

Uddan dine kunder

Din e-handelsbutik er lige så sikker som din mest afslappede kunde. Security is never a one-way street—both the business and the customer need to protect data from their respective ends. That’s why it’s important to include customers in your ecommerce security strategy and empower them to use necessary security features. Derudover, you can share this critical information about cybersecurity with the help of a dedicated videnbase.

For eksempel, multi-factor authentication (MFA) should be standardized across the board. Ikke desto mindre, you have to be the one to educate your customers. For eksempel, you can mandate 12-character alphanumeric passwords, nudge them to change passwords every few months, explain how sharing order or login data can expose their accounts, and clarify communication parameters so they don’t fall for phishing scams.

Security-aware customers can quickly identify if they’ve been hacked and the steps they need to take if their identity is stolen.

Wrap up

Som e -handelsvirksomhedsejer, you have to wear multiple hats every day. It may feel impossible to pay close attention to important things like security. But all it takes is one mistake to lose customer data, penge, og omdømme.

Ecwid by Lightspeed can help you traverse the complex world of ecommerce security and automate the bulk of actions so that you can focus on growing your online store.



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Om forfatteren

Irina Maltseva is a Growth Lead at Aura and a Founder at ONSAAS. For the last seven years, she has helped SaaS companies grow their revenue with inbound marketing. At her previous company, Hunter, Irina helped 3M marketers build business connections that matter. Now at Aura, Irina works on her mission to create a safer internet for everyone. To get in touch, follow her on LinkedIn.

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