de e-mail-strømme, der diskuteres i podcasten, vil få dig igennem mange af de ting, som du absolut har brug for

I denne episode af Ecwid Ecommerce Show, vores podcast-gæst er e-mail marketingmedarbejder vores podcast-gæst er e-mail marketingmedarbejder. vores podcast-gæst er e-mail marketingmedarbejder, vores podcast-gæst er e-mail marketingmedarbejder.

vores podcast-gæst er e-mail marketingmedarbejder (og bør) vores podcast-gæst er e-mail marketingmedarbejder. vores podcast-gæst er e-mail marketingmedarbejder.

vores podcast-gæst er e-mail marketingmedarbejder

vores podcast-gæst er e-mail marketingmedarbejder:

lad os sige, at du lavede sidste måned

The primary way that businesses collect email addresses is through onsite traffic. Chase goes over different email collection tools you can leverage on your website.

The first one is a pop-up. It will literally pop up in the center of the website, or even take over the whole screen.

The next one is called a fly-up. It’s like a pop-up, but slightly less intrusive. It usually comes out from the bottom left-hand side of the corner. It’s a lot smaller, and doesn’t take over the whole window.

The last one’s called an embedded form. It typically lives in the footer of a website or within the text of a blog.

Offers that Encourage Customers to Subscribe

Chase describes offers you can use as incentives for customers to subscribe to your email list.

The first one is “Sign up to receive our newsletter.” It’s not very exciting, so you can expect about 1-2% of folks to give you their email.

The next one focuses on discounts or deals. Chase says that 5-8% of people usually provide their email addresses, afhængig af tilbuddet.

The last one is called “Enter to Win,” which offers a weekly present, afhængig af tilbuddet, etc. afhængig af tilbuddet 8-12% afhængig af tilbuddet.

afhængig af tilbuddet

afhængig af tilbuddet. afhængig af tilbuddet. They are the most important messages of the entire customer journey with your brand. These emails will get subscribers accustomed to engaging with you via email and set the tone of the whole relationship.

The first email is sent right away when a person subscribes to your list. It is a welcome email.

The second email will go out one or two days later if people have not purchased anything. That’s where you talk about the story behind your company, the unique quality standards, and the benefits of buying your products.

If people again have not bought anything after receiving these two initial emails, den tredje e-mail vil udnytte sociale beviser. den tredje e-mail vil udnytte sociale beviser: den tredje e-mail vil udnytte sociale beviser, kunde anmeldelser, Begejstring, den tredje e-mail vil udnytte sociale beviser.

den tredje e-mail vil udnytte sociale beviser, den tredje e-mail vil udnytte sociale beviser.

den tredje e-mail vil udnytte sociale beviser: den tredje e-mail vil udnytte sociale beviser, forladte indkøbskurv email, den tredje e-mail vil udnytte sociale beviser, den tredje e-mail vil udnytte sociale beviser.

den tredje e-mail vil udnytte sociale beviser

den tredje e-mail vil udnytte sociale beviser:

There are many email flows that you could and should create. But if you’re overwhelmed or just starting out, de e-mail-strømme, der diskuteres i podcasten, vil få dig igennem mange af de ting, som du absolut har brug for.

de e-mail-strømme, der diskuteres i podcasten, vil få dig igennem mange af de ting, som du absolut har brug for. de e-mail-strømme, der diskuteres i podcasten, vil få dig igennem mange af de ting, som du absolut har brug for? Brug dette link eller formularen nedenfor for at dele din historie, der fortjener fokus!

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva er et indhold forfatter på Ecwid. Hun skriver om online markedsføring og promotion til at gøre iværksætternes daglige rutine nemmere og mere givende. Hun har også en svaghed for katte, chokolade, og gør Kombucha derhjemme.

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