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5 E-mail mislykkes, du skal undgå (And What to Do Instead)

20 min read

Mere end halvdelen af ​​små virksomheder behandler e-mail som deres mest effektive og common marketing tool for a reason. Email is a cheap and easy way to send discounts, tilbud, and company news.

Imidlertid, as with anything marketing related, you need to know how to use email to get the best results… And avoid worst practices.

Learn from the mistakes of others when it comes to email marketing. Check out some of the most common email fails below, as well as the actionable solutions you can make for each kind.

Email Fail 1: Unfriendly Email Experience

Har du nogensinde åbnet en e-mail og følt dig overvældet af, hvordan det ser ud? Maybe the colors are too bright or graphics too flashy. Unseemly aesthetics and confusing layouts can discourage anyone from reading an email.

Men det er ikke alt! An email can be unreadable because of how the content is written or presented. It is important to make an email readable and easily digestible.

Almindelige e-mail-fejl inkluderer:

  • Domme, der er for lange eller komplicerede.
  • Dårlig brug af farve. For eksempel, white text on a bright yellow background will be hard to read.
  • Illustrations that don’t match the email content.
  • Brug af en skrifttype, der er for lille eller overdesignet.
  • Ikke bolding, kursiv, or underlining content you really want your viewers to know.

If readers can’t understand your emails, they won’t interact with them. A lack of engagement will ruin all the hard work you’ve done for your campaign.


Vejled din bruger problemfrit gennem din e-mail-besked. Vær ligetil. Write simply, as if you are talking to the recipient in real life. Også, make sure your color palette is eye-catching and makes your text easy to read.

Example of a loyal customer appreciation email with a good user experience

Når du kører en vellykket e-mail-kampagne, it’s important to highlight the purpose of the email. The purpose should be both pragmatic and emotional.

When an email offers pragmatic solutions, it addresses a customer’s desire to solve their problem most efficiently, normalt med hensyn til penge, tid, and/or effort. For eksempel, a successful advertising email shows how your products will solve customers’ problems. The pragmatic part of an email appeals to a recipient’s pragmatism.

When highlighting emotional values in an email, you want to suggest that your product or service will fulfill a customer’s emotional needs. Tit, people’s emotional needs center around self-identity and fulfillment. To most effectively trigger an emotional response, you first need to choose the mood you want to go for. The mood should match your brand’s overall vibe and how it affects your intended audience.

Graphical and written elements can help spark an emotional response, whether you want it to be outgoing, legende, or empowered. Color is key to provoking specific emotions. For eksempel, using blue, purple, and green as a color palette will make readers feel calm and harmonious. Perfect for wellness brands!

Want to learn more about how color affects your revenue? Læs vores artikel om farveteori.

Use available text tools to grab attention. Opdel tekst i klumper, tilføj hvid plads, Brug styling til at vise hierarki (skriftstørrelse, vægt, farve, position), visuals to highlight the most important parts, og inkluderer en klar CTA. Du kan bruge Hemingway App to see if your email is readable and not bogged down with wordiness.

Op til 60% of emails are opened on mobile. Som sådan, it’s important to test your email across multiple devices and make sure it is mobile-friendly. A bad mobile experience for your audience can cause your campaign to be unsuccessful.

Hvis du sælger online med Ecwid by Lightspeed, you can use multiple built-in email marketing tools, synes godt om customer order notifications og automatiserede marketing -e -mails. We take care of email design and copy so you won’t have to worry about it. The emails your customers receive are sleek, let at læse, and mobile-friendly.

An example of an abandoned cart email you can send with Ecwid

Email Fail 2: Sloppiness

Email typos and mistakes are very common, despite easy access to the Internet and spell-check. There are a couple of ways that sloppiness can come across in an email, both of which can be avoided easily.

Grammatical errors

Forestil dig at møde nogen, der introducerer sig selv som ekspert. Mens du snakker, you notice that they keep making simple grammatical errors. Det betyder ikke noget, hvilken branche denne ekspert repræsenterer. What matters is that this person claims to have authority in their field. It is difficult to believe their expertise if they do not speak like an expert, aka grammatically correct. Den samme logik gælder for dig og dine e-mail-kampagner.

Hvis der er stavemåde eller grammatical mistakes in an email, it is difficult to read. Selv en lille fejl kan alvorligt forringe effektiviteten af ​​din besked. Hvad mere, it can affect your brand’s overall image negatively.

Tag den Solitaire’s sag, for eksempel. En gang, they sent out an email campaign announcing the game of the day. Imidlertid, their open rate (aka the percentage of people who open an email sent to their inbox) var alarmerende lavt. Så, they investigated what the problem could be. Heldigvis, they quickly found the problem—they had misspelled a word in the email’s subject line. De fik fejlen og så den åbne sats stige med 12%.

Fejl viser din målgruppe, at du ikke har været opmærksom på detaljerne nok. Dette er muligvis ikke tilfældet i alle tilfælde, but sloppiness means a lot to a potential customer who expects excellence in the products and services they buy.


Sloppiness can be avoided by proofreading before pressing the send button. Slå op på ord, du ikke er sikker på. Sørg for, at du har brugt dem korrekt og i den rigtige sammenhæng. Du kan bruge værktøjer som TrustMyPaper, Skrivning Dommer, Quillbot, eller Grammarly for at hjælpe med redigering.

Grammatisk instrumentbræt. You can remove grammatical mistakes and enhance the clarity of your content

Broken Elements

Another problem that arises in email campaigns is the accidental use of broken elements. While the content can be outstanding and attract customers, if the links you’ve included are incorrect or broken, indholdet vil ikke være effektivt. When a bad link takes recipients to the wrong landing page or shows them an error, they’ll be unlikely to click on other links. This reduces traffic to your store.

A similar problem is adding inactive discount codes to an email. Hvis det sker,, your customer service team will have to deal with many complaint emails.

Worst case scenario, you’ll lose customers because of it, which is something to avoid at all costs!


Broken elements should be a high priority to fix. They directly impact the campaign’s effectiveness. Make sure you’ve thoroughly tested all links and discount codes before you press send to avoid these pitfalls. Most platforms also allow you to send a test email. Send test emails to yourself and colleagues so you can all make sure the email, links, and codes work. And if you don’t catch some, fix them as soon as you can.

If you make a mistake, it’s in your best interest to admit it by sending out an apology message. Undskyld forvirringen. Give recipients something to make up for the inconvenience it may have caused. Afhængigt af modtagerens type, dette kunne være en gratis e-bog, en rabat, et gavekort, eller en ekstra service.

Eksempel på en undskyldnings-e-mail til kunder (Kilde)

You can always have a pre-drafted “Oops” message on hand with an email template or ready-made responses in your billetsoftware. Hvis du har adgang til et automatiseringsværktøj, du kan oprette en dedikeret undskyldningskampagne og sende beskeder på denne måde.

Du kan integrere din Ecwid butik med Mailchimp og bruge de indsamlede kundedata til at sende den bedste undskyldningsgave baseret på deres præferencer. Kompensér dit publikum for ulejligheden, making viewers trust your brand more and driving traffic to your site.

Også, hvis du sælger online med Ecwid by Lightspeed, du kan add discount coupons to your automated marketing emails. If you send a coupon with limitations, for eksempel, it will only work for buying a particular product. Ecwid will remind you what kind of coupon you are sending. Denne måde, you can be sure that you don’t send the wrong discount coupon to your customers.

Adding a discount coupon to marketing emails is a breeze with Ecwid

Email Fail 3: Too Many Goals

For hver dollar, du bruger på e-mailmarkedsføring, du kan forvente en gennemsnitligt afkast af $51… But only if the campaign is well-organized.

In a campaign, you can set up separate emails meant to accomplish different goals. We recommend sending separate emails for different goals to keep your messaging clear and direct. Problems arise when you want to try to use a single email to achieve your marketing goals.

When you put too many messages in an email, the email will come off as unclear and disorienting. Your recipients will have trouble understanding what you are trying to tell them. Husk, many people will open your email on their cell phones when they’re on the go or easily distracted. A vague or crowded email message can cause a significant drop in your campaign’s performance.

Imagine sending an email during one of your campaigns. You give the customer a product discount and access to a free ebook. Derudover, you ask the customer to join your exclusive webinar, tjek de seneste brandnyheder, and answer a question about their shopping experience with your brand. Wow, det er en del!

The email is full of good intentions meant to satisfy your customers. Men nogle gange, det gamle ordsprog er virkelig sandt: mindre er mere.


Før du begynder at skrive, consider how to keep your messages consistent, bestemt, og let at forstå.

Dine modtagere er ved different stages of their customer journey. You should consider the stages of a customer’s journey when planning your email campaign. Afhængigt af hvor godt dine modtagere kender dig og dine marketingstrategier, different kinds of emails will appeal to them at different stages and convince them to take action.

Tænk over, hvad du vil sige i meddelelsen. Is it supposed to be a sales email or one that builds trust? Kortlæg kundens rejse, marked til dine modtagere, og opret personlig indhold.

Ecwid sellers can send automatiserede marketing -e -mails that reach customers at the right point of their customer journey. For eksempel, Ecwid will send an email to inactive customers who haven’t purchased anything in over a year. Eller, it will automatically send an email that reminds customers of the products they added to their favorites. med Ecwid, emails reach the right person at the right time, engaging shoppers and growing sales.

Favorite Products Reminder email Ecwid sends automatically to customers two days after they added a product to Favorites

Email Fail 4: Segmentation and Personalization Fails

Sending emails to a specific group of recipients you’ve identified through segmentation sounds like a great idea, ret? uheldigvis, målgruppesegmentering kan gå meget galt. It can backfire when you create segments that are inconsistent with your business objectives, based on outdated data, and/or come from your personal feelings.

One of the main negative effects of failed segmentation is inadequate personalisering. It’s not just about sending an email greeting the wrong recipient (dog selvfølgelig, gør det ikke).

Poor personalization is when an email doesn’t contain information that interests a particular recipient. For eksempel: forestil dig, at du har en dyrebutik, og du har arrangeret en salgskampagne på Verdensdyredag. Planen er at e-maile dine kunder og give dem rabat på foder til kæledyr. Imidlertid, due to poorly organized or obsolete data, you send a coupon for cat food to a dog owner.

This example illustrates how you can lose sales due to improper segmentation. While it could be just a single error, it could show that your customer list has serious problems with data consistency.


Udvid din liste over potentielle kunder med kreative tilmeldingsformularer. Når modtageren udfylder dem, the real challenge—segmentation—begins. Segmentation is definitely worth it, selvom. Professionelle, der brugte segmenterede kampagner, registrerede en 760% stigning i indtægter.

Eksempel på kundesegmenteringskriterier for bedre e-mail-marketing

Identificer alle de vigtigste og sekundære segmenter i din målgruppe. Organiser dine modtagere i mindre, mere målrettede grupper. Decide what customer data you need to prepare for your email campaigns.

Perform an in-depth analysis based on customers’ purchasing history. Highlight key segments, såsom:

  • Ny
  • Lovende
  • Loyal
  • Hængende / ubeslutsomme
  • Inaktiv

Work out different solutions for your email campaign depending on the group. Giv nye kunder en rabat på deres næste køb. Ask loyal customers to complete a satisfaction survey to access early bird deals. Send a special offer to undecided or inactive customers to motivate them to buy products they viewed the last time they visited your site.

Ecwid sellers can use powerful built-in tools for sending personalized emails. Du kan oprette marketing e-mails to be sent automatically after a customer completes a certain action. For eksempel, if they add a product to their cart but don’t buy it, or they haven’t made a purchase in six months after their last order. Automated emails help bring back customers who are slipping away without you having to keep track!

Purchase Anniversary email reminds customers of your store and encourages them to buy from you again

Du kan også tilslut din Ecwid-butik til Mailchimp for deeper audience segmentation. It makes cross-selling eller upselling meget nemmere. For eksempel, you can send an email about a special offer on new sunscreen to customers who bought skincare products in the past.

By connecting your Ecwid store to Mailchimp, you can also recommend products directly from the product catalog. Your customers can see products directly in their email and be able to buy it right away.

Once you sync your Ecwid store with Mailchimp, you can insert products into your emails. This lets customers purchase them with just a few clicks

Adskil din e-mail-liste i underkategorier. Send messages that carry value to specific groups of recipients. Tænk over, hvilke oplysninger og tilbud der er mest nyttige for dem, then give them something tailored to their interests or needs. Reglen er enkel: the more your emails are personalized and relevant, the more likely your recipient will stay subscribed, åbn dine e-mails, og besøg dit websted for at foretage køb.

Email Fail 5: Failure to Align with Brand Image

You want to make sure your marketing campaigns look like they come from you. This is especially evident during the holiday season. Every holiday has its own special set of traditions. When Valentine’s Day approaches, you’ll see heart-shaped lollipops in store windows. Or as soon as October 1st hits, stores flood with Halloween decorations and pumpkin spice appears everywhere

I løbet af ferien, companies want to incorporate festivity for the sake of their bottom line. Businesses will often make changes in their communication style, trying to fill every channel with holiday elements or events to show that they have the holiday spirit. This phenomenon is especially true with email campaigns.

Sometimes companies don’t know how to align their holiday mood with their brand values. Oftest, de ender med at bruge færdige skabeloner. They go for overused copies available online and use holiday graphics that don’t match their image at all. For kunder, dette kan komme ud som, i bedste fald, glemmelig. I værste fald, ligefrem doven.


Dine meddelelser skal altid se ud som om de kommer fra dig, ferie eller ej. Det er sjovt at fejre og vise dit engagement, men der er ingen grund til at gå overbord på bekostning af tid og energi, der bruges bedre andre steder. Når du tilføjer festlige detaljer til din kommunikation, always work according to your brand values.

If you’re having trouble coming up with something creative for a holiday-themed promotional email, tjek nogle relaterede Pinterest-brædder til inspiration. Try to create something beautiful and unique that uses your logo, mærke farver, and other elements specific to your business.

You can find inspirations for your graphics projects from Pinterest boards


Heldigvis, customers will often forgive and forget minor email slip-ups. Imidlertid, as the proverb says, et gram forebyggelse er et pund kur værd.

Make a list of mistakes you often make and include their solutions in your email campaign procedures as you move forward. Hold dig til dem, så under den næste e-mail-kampagne, you’ll be prepared to prevent slip ups before they even happen. With set procedures, you can be assured that when you click “send,” your email will be mistake-proof and give your customers only the most positive of feelings.



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Om forfatteren

Weronika is a content marketer at HelpDesk. She has a deep passion for telling stories to educate and engage her audience. In her free time, she goes mountain hiking, cooks desserts, and reads books related to guerrilla marketing, branding, or sociology.

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