8 Fotografi Tips til en Bedøvelse Instagram virksomhedsprofil

Når det bruges strategisk, en Instagram-forretningskonto kan være et enormt salgselement, der hjælper dig med at nå et nyt publikum, montrer dine produkter, og fremhæver dine tilbud i en overbevisende visuel format. Du kan endda sælge direkte på Instagram med indkøbelige indlæg!

Og med et publikum på mere end 500 millioner aktive brugere, denne platform har et stort publikum, der er bare venter på dig til at udnytte.

Nogle onlinebutikker ser allerede deres Instagram indsats betaler sig: Ifølge Sprout Social, en drik detailhandler voksede deres indgreb med 37% og dens tilhængere ved 15% i en fjerdedel.

Hvordan de gør det? Ved regelmæssigt at deltage på platformen og præsentere kurateret, godt-shot billeder.

Og gæt hvad? Du kan gøre det, også. I dette indlæg, Vi vil udforske nogle af de bedste fremgangsmåder, der kan tage din Instagram firmakonto fra god til store.

Photography Basics

Before we jump into Instagram-specific tips, let’s first review some photography basics that will help you compose stronger images overall. Any beginner photography class would cover these tips – so speed up the process and put these to work right away.

The Rule of Thirds

Composing images based on a three-part grid can help you better compose your shots.

Det er sådan her det virker: Imagine four lines on your visual (two horizontal and two vertical) that divide your image into nine even squares.

Med nettet i tankerne, du kan enten centrere dit skud eller lægge dit fokus på en af ​​de yderste tredjedele. ofte gange, a subject that’s off center makes for a more interesting image because it forces the viewer’s eye to wander across the whole image.

Use Natural Light

Taking photos in natural light on a sunny day (outdoors or through a window) is an easy way to boost your image quality. Sommetider, indendørsbelysning kan kaste alt for mange hårde skygger eller producere misfarvning.

I stedet, leverage the quality of natural light by taking your images during the day and without the aid of artificial lighting.


Shoot Different Angles

Anyone can take a photo from a normal viewpoint. Imidlertid, if you want to present your viewer with a more interesting image, try shooting from various different angles to see what shots give the best perspective.

Go høj, lav, tæt, langt væk, and test several different side angles to fully experiment.

Once you feel comfortable with these photography basics, you can start thinking about how you’ll apply them to your Instagram efforts.

Der er også et par platform-specifikke tips, der kan hjælpe med at forbedre kvaliteten (og popularitet) af billeder, du deler i dette rum. Let’s look at those next.

Relaterede: 7 Måder at bruge Instagram til at markedsføre din butik

General Instagram Photography Best Practices

As a platform that focuses on photos and video, the audience on Instagram expects a bit more in the visual department from the content producers here.

Blurry, uninteresting images just don’t stand out from the feed. Here are a few tips to keep in mind before posting a photo.

Strive for Colorful Images

For at opnå dette, you can add filters to your images to enhance the color in a variety of different ways. Instagram har nogle indbyggede filtre, men du kunne også overveje at investere i en ekstern ressource som Et Color Story og VSCO, der er blot nogle få af de mange overkommelige, muligheder af høj kvalitet. A great example of a colorful, visually appealing Instagram feed can be seen from online decor retailer Everingham and Watson:

Everingham and Watson

Curate Your Posts

It can be tempting to post just any photo you take, but some of the best Instagram business accounts are ones that carefully select their photos.

For bedre at krofatter, take many different photos and only post the best one from the bunch. Også, sørge for dit indhold har et overordnet tema eller æstetisk for at skabe et mere sammenhængende udseende.

Sidst, men ikke mindst: A good rule of thumb is to always ask yourself: Er dette billede tjener et formål? Take a note from the curated page of Vitality Tap’s Instagram account:

Vitality Tap

Highlight Your Products

Your business Instagram account should include a good mix of well-composed product photos to spotlight your offerings.

Imidlertid, rather than just sharing your website product photos with a white background, use this platform as a place to express your inner photographer.

Show your products in use and/or in interesting context, synes godt om AFOUR Custom gør:

AFOUR Custom

Use Interesting Backgrounds

Create more eye-catching visuals by ensuring your shots have an interesting, farverig baggrund. While your background doesn’t have to be in focus, it should add to the overall quality of the image – not detract from it.

Think about both the foreground and background when composing your photos, like the Galapagos Conservancy does on their Instagram account:

Galapagos Conservancy

Include Yourself in the Mix

Det er også en god idé at inkludere dig selv som butiksejer i den blanding af billeder, du sender fra tid til anden.

This helps your audience come to better know the face behind the brand, og giver dem mulighed for at forbinde med dig på et mere personligt plan.

Give your followers a peek behind the scenes and show them what you’re up to with your business. Jana Spring, founder of the FunTone shop, shares her travels and event appearances to update her audience on what she’s been doing.

Jana Spring

With your basic photography knowledge and these platform-specific tips, you can dramatically improve your Instagram account.

På tur, this can help build brand recognition with your target audience, drive salget, and help you reach new customers around the world.

Step Up Your Instagram Business Account

With the year drawing to a close, now is the time to start thinking about what changes you want to make to your Instagram efforts for the year ahead.

Tænk over det: You can’t afford a sloppy Instagram account for your business–it’s a poor representation of your brand, and you as the store owner.

Put these tips to work and strive to continually improve your photos on Instagram. Som resultat, you can grow your following on this platform and can come to be thought of as a leader within your niche.

Læs også: Sådan Bliv Instagram-berømt i en algoritme-baserede Feed

About The Author
Lina is a content creator at Ecwid. She writes to inspire and educate readers on all things commerce. She loves to travel and runs marathons.

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