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How to Build An Effective Customer Retention Strategy for Your Online Store

14 min read

Pro hyperkonkurenční odvětví, jako je elektronický obchod, kde náklady na kliknutí a konverze neustále rostou, přilákat nové zákazníky je stále obtížnější. Nemluvě o nákladných.

K tomu všemu, krize COVID-19 nadobro změnila chování spotřebitelů, creating new challenges and making the retention of old customers not just a matter of choice but a necessity.

Tak jako Gartner puts it, “the COVID-19 crisis has shifted marketersfocus from customer acquisition to customer retention and growth.”

But even if you take the pandemic out of the equation, a customer retention strategy is essential for ecommerce. Why is that? Because recurring revenue from loyal customers can increase an ecommerce company’s average total revenue by up to 40%.

dodatečně, a regular income stream from repeat purchases enables ecommerce businesses to plan their growth and resource allocation in a more effective way.

Think about it: when was the last time you made efforts to re-engage your old customers, or tried to build brand loyalty? Don’t remember? If that’s you, then it might be time to start implementing the tactics below to accelerate your ecommerce customer retention strategy, a grow your revenue along the way.

But first, let’s understand what customer retention actually means.

What Is Customer Retention Rate?

Udržení zákazníků udává, kolik zákazníků zůstalo vaší firmě loajální po určitou dobu. Obecně se vyjadřuje jako míra udržení zákazníků (CRR) který se vypočítá podle následujícího vzorce:

Míra udržení zákazníků = [(E – N) / B] * 100

B = Zákazníci na začátku časového období
E = Zákazníci na konci stejného časového období
N = Noví zákazníci přidání během časového období

CRR se liší podle odvětví. Nemůžete srovnávat CRR kosmetické značky s CRR herní značky. Produkty jsou různé, and so the rate at which customers repurchase from your store will vary drastically. Tak, compare your CRR against your industry benchmarks, and if your number doesn’t stack up well, try some of the tips below to grow it.

Tips for Building a Great Ecommerce Customer Retention Strategy

Building a fail-safe ecommerce customer retention strategy is easy if you know the right tactics and tools. So let’s take a closer look at some.

Send Personalized Emails to Customers

Personalizace je klíčem k tomu, abyste zůstali ve spojení se svými zákazníky, a povzbuzovat je k opětovnému nákupu od vás. Musíte si vybudovat osobní spojení se svými zákazníky prostřednictvím všech komunikačních kanálů, které máte k dispozici. Tehdy nejintuitivnější platforma, je přes email.

Od teď, 53% Gen Zers a 49% Mileniálové mají pocit, že dostávají „příliš mnoho“ e-mailů od značek. Pokud se chcete odpoutat od této normy a prolomit hluk doručené pošty, musíte využít sílu personalizovaných e-mailů.

V personalizovaném e-mailu, you tailor the messaging, timing, and targeting according to each recipient’s unique needs. Tento, v pořadí, helps attract more people to open their emails, and drive desired actions.

Want to know the best part? Your customers already have some level of trust in your ecommerce company. If you make them feel special through exclusive deals and tailored content, you can push them to repurchase more easily than random, first-time visitors.

And if you’re able to provide better services to them, you can slowly boost your ties s nimi a zlepšit návratnost investic do marketingu (návratnost investic).

Tak, pokračujte a přidejte do svých e-mailů osobní kontakt.

Ale jak? Několik nápadů, které můžete kombinovat:

  • Do předmětu uveďte jméno příjemce, oslovení, a obsah těla.
  • Odesílejte obsah specifický pro dané místo (doporučit obchody v okolí, místní nabídky, atd.).
  • Segmentujte své odběratele co nejpřesněji, a poté vytvořte cílená sdělení pro každý segment.

Potřebujete příklad?

Groove využívá údaje o chování od předplatitelů k segmentaci jejich e-mailového seznamu a k vyhlazení jejich zážitku z registrace. Předplatitelé, kteří se přihlásili k odběru newsletteru Groove, ale od té doby nereagují, dostávají od Groove podobné e-maily:

Obrázek přes Drážka

E-mailová kopie a výzva k akci se zaměřují na měření uživatelského sentimentu prostřednictvím zákaznické podpory.

Ale předplatitelé, kteří pravidelně komunikují s e-maily Groove, dostávají ve svých e-mailech ukázky produktů a tipy k použití, s cílem udržet je spokojené, zasnoubený s, and loyal to the brand.

Such hyper-targeted emails are bound to improve customer engagement and retention. And even more than that, personalized emails also need to be perfectly timed to match a consumer’s moment of need.

Například, a customer who wishlisted a product can convert quickly if they are sent an attractive discount coupon for that item. Podobně, a visitor who is spending a lot of time browsing one product category may purchase something if they get a friendly email with product recommendations from that category.

But how can you recognize opportune times for sending personalized emails? You can’t watch every customer’s movement through your site individually, but you can keep tabs on their actions as a segment. Based on that, můžete vytvořit automated email workflows.

These are synced with your website, CRM system, and sales tools so that they can trigger automatically when a user performs a particular action (subscribes, completes the first transaction, abandons cart, confirms an order, requests a return, atd.).

By putting your email workflows on auto-pilot, you never miss a conversion opportunity, which is what a good customer retention strategy is all about.

Want a shortcut? Pokud prodáváte online s Ecwid, můžete povolit automatizované marketingové e-maily ve vašem obchodě. These are tailored emails sent to your customers when they complete certain actions in your store, like adding a new product to their favorites or making two orders.

The best part is that you don’t have to write an email copy, create and send emails, or segment your customers manually. You just enable automated emails and specify if you’d like to add a discount coupon to them. The emails will be sent out automatically reaching the right person at just the right time and keeping your customers engaged.

The “Come Back for Bestsellers” email brings back inactive buyers: it is sent out to customers six months after their last order

Provide the Option of Creating Customer Accounts

Customer accounts can boost your customer retention strategy in a big way.

Zákazníci získají přístup jedním kliknutím k historii svých objednávek, což jim umožňuje provádět opakované nákupy, žádost se vrací, a zkontrolovat stav objednávky, s lehkostí. Mohou také rychle přistupovat ke svým oblíbeným produktům, speciální členské slevy, a faktury.

Výsledek? Odstraněním bolesti z online nakupování, zákazníky okamžitě uklidníte. Vyzýváte je, aby se do vašeho obchodu znovu vrátili poté, co jim poskytnete příjemný zážitek z nakupování.

Při strategickém použití, tato taktika může zefektivnit většinu vašeho metriky elektronického obchodu from sales to churn rate and beyond.

nicméně, there is a catch: creating a customer account may be considered quite a big commitment by first-time customers, who don’t want to divulge their details to a brand they’ve just met. If given the option, they would prefer to check out as guests rather than fill out detailed contact forms.

But since customer accounts have such an impact on your customer retention strategy, it would be a blunder to neglect them.

Řešení? There are two, actually.

První: Give your first-time shoppers an option to create an account, but only after they’ve placed the first order. In their order confirmation email, you can send them a direct invite to activate their account. That should do the trick.

The second and easier option is to create a customer account automatically. Například, if you have an Ecwid store, it can automatically create a customer account for the buyer’s email address after they place an order.

Your customers can log into their accounts at any time through their personal sign-in link sent to their inbox. This is convenient, as shoppers don’t need to remember any passwords to have access to their account. Plus, the login by sign-in link is a more secure way of login than using a password.

After customers click the My Account link in an Ecwid store, the sign-in link is sent to their email

Provide Stellar Customer Support

You can’t retain customers if you don’t serve them efficiently before, během, and after the sale. Proactive customer support will fuel your ecommerce customer retention strategy in more ways than one.

Like what?

When you are available for your customers 24×7, you provide them with a great customer experience (CX), which fosters brand loyalty. Nejen to, but customers are often willing to pay a premium of up to 16% in return for good CX.

Custoers are willing to pay higher for good CX (Obrázek přes PwC)

If this sounds like a good thing, it’s because it is.

Někdy, competent and prompt customer service is the only thing required to convert a dissatisfied, angry customer into a happy one.

You can make your ecommerce website a one-stop solution for all your customer needs by incorporating a chatbot or live chat software solution into it. Using this bot, you can teach new customers about correct product usage, solve queries about site navigation, provide shipping updates, and help with whatever else might come up on the fly.

If you sell with Ecwid, you can set up a Živý chat Facebook Messenger in your store to answer shoppers’ questions promptly. It’s simple to use and all conversations are saved in Facebook Messenger’s inbox. This is handy if a customer asks you a question when you’re offline: the message will pop up once you’re back online so you won’t miss it.

In a live chat, you can help customers to choose a product or tell them about special offers in your store

As we’ve said before, old customers are like equity for a business. Among other things, giving them priority customer support can help cement their loyalty. One way of doing that is by pushing their service requests higher up in the queue using robust ticketing systems.

Tudy, you enhance your customers’ overall shopping experience, který, v pořadí, boosts your customer retention strategy.

Harness the Power of Retargeting Ads

Your ecommerce customer retention strategy will get a big boost if you leverage retargeting ads correctly.

Retargeting ads promote products, nabídky, or services that a user recently browsed, shopped, or expressed interest in. They are more effective than regular ads that are prone to “banner blindness”—a human tendency to ignore banners unless they carry recognizable content.

Just like personalized emails, retargeting ads are also tailored to each user’s needs and interests, and that’s why they have an immense conversion potential.

To create retargeting ads that feed your customer retention strategy, you will have to:

  • Use urgency to create FOMO (fear of missing out).
  • Include compelling customer success stories in the ad copy.
  • Show products that complement a customer’s recent purchase.
  • Keep passive customers in the loop by reminding them of their past buys.

Add information about special offers to your retargeting ads to encourage customers to buy

If you’re an Ecwid seller, you can set up retargeting campaigns on Facebook in minutes with Klikněte na to. It simplifies the process of setting up your campaign so that you can convert window shoppers into paying customers with ease.

Ready to Create an Ecommerce Customer Retention Strategy?

Jak můžete vidět, for ecommerce brands, a customer retention strategy is non-negotiable.

If you’re still not inspired to formulate a customer retention strategy for your ecommerce company, here’s a parting thought:

Not having a customer retention strategy means your ecommerce brand misses out on major cost savings, referral traffic, repeat purchases, and other customer loyalty benefits.

Are you looking for more ecommerce-related sales or marketing tips?


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With Ecwid Ecommerce, you can easily sell anywhere, komukoli – na internetu a po celém světě.

About the author

Gaurav Sharma is the founder and CEO of Attrock, a results-driven digital marketing company. Grew an agency from 5-figure to 7-figure revenue in just two years | 10X leads | 2.8X conversions | 300K organic monthly traffic. He also contributes to top publications like HuffPost, Adweek, podnikání 2 Community, TechCrunch, a více. Social connects: Cvrlikání, LinkedIn & Instagram.

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