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Essential Business KPIs for Online Stores & How to Track Them Like a Pro

20 min read

In the world of business, data is king. nicméně, navigating this massive amount of information can be overwhelming.

Enter key performance indicators, or KPIs – the beacon that guides you through the stormy waters of data to the sunny skies of valuable insights for your business.

One of the most crucial aspects of ensuring business continuity is having a clear understanding of your business growth KPIs. This can help you develop better strategies, make more informed decisions, and ensure your business’s sustainable growth.

Tak, what exactly are KPIs in business, and how can they help you focus on what is most important for the success of your venture? Dive into this post to learn about essential key performance indicators for online stores and how to track them like a professional.

Understanding KPIs in Business

In a business landscape where competition is fierce and margins are thin, a keen understanding of business KPIs (key performance indicators) can spell the difference between success and failure.

Tak, what is KPI in business? V podstatě, KPIs are measurable values that can be used to assess an organization’s success in meeting various business objectives. They come in many forms – from measuring revenue growth and customer retention to tracking employee performance and productivity.

What Are KPIs?

At its core, KPI, meaning in business, is about measurement — they’re the critical (key) indicators of progress toward an intended result. KPIs provide a focus for strategic and operational improvement, create an analytical basis for decision-making, and help focus attention on what matters most.

Different Types of KPIs

When it comes to measuring business performance, there are various categories that KPIs can fall into. These categories help organizations track and evaluate different aspects of their operations, such as financial performance, customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and employee productivity.

Here are some common KPIs that many businesses track:

  • Financial KPIs: these measure your business’s financial health and performance, such as revenue growth, profit margin, and return on investment.
  • Customer KPIs: sledují, jak dobře obsluhujete své zákazníky a úroveň jejich spokojenosti s vašimi produkty nebo službami – například, skóre spokojenosti zákazníků, míry zadržování, a čisté skóre promotéra.
  • Provozní KPI: tyto měří efektivitu a efektivitu vašich obchodních operací, jako je obrat zásob a produktivita zaměstnanců.
  • KPI zaměstnanců: ty se zaměřují na individuální a týmový výkon, jako jsou prodejní cíle a hodnocení zákaznických služeb.

Proč podniky potřebují KPI

Představte si, že řídíte loď bez kompasu. That’s a business without KPIs! Jako majitel firmy, you need to track progress, forecast the future, and make decisions with confidence. KPIs are the compass that helps you steer your ship in the right direction.

Benefits of tracking KPIs:

  • Performance tracking: By defining and tracking KPIs, you can monitor your business’s performance in real-time and make necessary adjustments to stay on course.
  • Goal setting: KPIs provide a benchmark for setting achievable goals and measuring success.
  • Data-driven decision-making: Místo spoléhání se na dohady, používání KPI vám umožňuje činit rozhodnutí založená na datech, která mohou vést k lepším výsledkům.
  • Identifikujte oblasti pro zlepšení: Analýzou vašich KPI, můžete identifikovat oblasti vašeho podnikání, které mohou vyžadovat zlepšení, a přijmout nápravná opatření.

Pro internetový obchod, tracking orders can guide decisions about inventory management and marketing strategies

KPI pro online obchody, které musíte mít

Jak můžete vidět, existuje mnoho různých typů obchodních KPI a mnoho metrik, které můžete sledovat. Na první pohled to může znít zdrcující a budete přemýšlet, na co byste se měli ve svém internetovém obchodě zaměřit. Jedná se o to, depending on your business, the KPIs you choose to track will vary.

nicméně, if you’re an online store owner, there are specific KPIs that can make a significant impact on your business’s bottom line.

Tak, what metrics are the most important for your online store? Čtěte dál a dozvíte se to.

Tracking Traffic

Getting more visitors to your store starts with understanding where your traffic is coming from. By tracking website traffic, you can identify which channels are driving the most visitors and adjust your marketing strategy accordingly.

Here’s what you need to pay close attention to as an online store owner:

  • Number of online store visitors
  • How much time people spend in your online store
  • How many of the visitors are returning
  • What device they use to browse your store

That helps you track your store’s traffic and adjust your marketing strategy accordingly. Například, if most of your traffic comes from mobile devices, it may be worthwhile to optimize your website for mobile users.

Tracking Orders and Conversions

Pro internetový obchod, orders are the lifeblood of your business. Sledování objednávek vám může pomoci porozumět vašim zákazníkům’ nákupní chování a činit informovaná rozhodnutí pro zvýšení prodeje.

Zde je to, co musíte sledovat, pokud jde o objednávky:

  • Celkový počet zadaných objednávek a tržby
  • Míra konverze (počet dokončených nákupů/celkový počet návštěvníků)
  • Počet opakovaných objednávek
  • Kolik položek lidé obvykle kupují
  • Kolik položek jste prodali za určité období.

Jakmile zjistíte, jaké faktory přispívají k větším objednávkám, tyto strategie můžete použít k povzbuzení zákazníků, aby znovu nakupovali a zadávali větší objednávky. Například, pokud si všimnete, že objednávky vzrostly poté, co jste nabídli dopravu zdarma za určitou utracenou částku, můžete tuto taktiku znovu použít ke zvýšení prodeje.

Sledování financí

Sledujte své finanční toky, abyste pochopili, jak dobře si vaše firma vede, a získejte přehled do budoucna.

Zde jsou účetní metriky, na které musíte jako majitel internetového obchodu dávat pozor:

  • Tržby z vašeho obchodu
  • Výdaje
  • Průměrná hodnota objednávky, tj., kolik peněz vyděláte za objednávku
  • Average revenue per customer and visitor, tj., how much money each customer brings you.

Tracking these numbers is essential to understanding your store’s financial health and making improvements. Například, if your average order value is low, you can focus on upselling or cross-selling strategies to increase revenue per order.

Tracking Marketing Metrics

Customers access your store through multiple channels, including ads, e-maily, sociální média, a více. By pinpointing the sources that have a greater impact on your orders, you can optimize your marketing strategies effectively.

Here are the marketing metrics you should track in your online store:

  • Performance of your marketing campaigns, such as click-through rates and conversion rates
  • Where your orders are coming from (tj., order sources).

How to Track Your Online Store Performance

While there are various tools for tracking your business KPIs, it’s much easier to track your online store performance where you manage your business.

If you sell online using the Ecwid by Lightspeed ecommerce platform, not only do you get a powerful online store, but you also get valuable insights into its performance directly where you manage it all – in your Ecwid admin.

Reports and analytics section in the Ecwid admin

S Ecwidem, you can access real-time reports and analytics to monitor your online store’s performance, including sales numbers and customer data. You can actually track and measure all the critical online store KPIs we discussed above!

On the Zprávy strana, you can get a comprehensive understanding of your store’s performance through key metrics: návštěvníků, objednávky, conversions, and accounting, which can serve as practical business KPI examples:

  • The Návštěvníci section lets you keep an eye on store traffic, how long visitors stay in your store, what devices they use, and if they return.
  • The Conversions section shows you the percentage of visitors who actually make a purchase.
  • The Objednávky section lets you gain insights into the number of orders made, the revenue generated, new versus repeat orders, and the average number of items sold during a certain period.
  • The Accounting section lets you stay updated on your financial flows. It provides valuable insights into your store revenue, expenses, průměrná hodnota objednávky, and average revenue per customer and visitor.
  • There is also a Marketing section that gives you insights into the performance of your marketing campaigns, order sources, and the marketing strategies you’ve implemented in your store that have led visitors to make a purchase.

You’ll find line charts to analyze and forecast trends over different periods, tables for a detailed data examination, and interactive pie charts for a quick and insightful overview of key metrics.

Simply click on the dropdown and choose the time interval you want to customize the reports. To get more insights, you can choose a period for comparison. This lets you view how the metrics of the current period have changed compared to a period from the past.

Choosing a period for comparison

Benefits of Tracking Your Store Performance with Ecwid

There are various tools available for measuring your business metrics, but using Ecwid’s reports has its unique advantages:

  • S Ecwidem, můžeš track all the essential metrics in one place rather than using multiple tools to gather different types of data.
  • Ecwid’s reports are automatically updated and synced with your store’s data, saving you time and effort.
  • The reports are easy to read and understand, with colorful charts and graphs that help visualize your store’s performance.
  • You have the flexibility to choose any period for each type of report and compare it with the same period from the previous week, Měsíc, or year.
  • Each metric brings a range of specific parameters that help you dive deeper into your store’s performance.
  • To stay in the loop, you have the option to receive weekly emails from Ecwid. These emails will not only provide you with your weekly stats but also offer some helpful advice on how to grow your business.

S Ecwidem, you can use the trends, statistika, and parameters the Reports provide to refine your strategies and ensure that your business is on the right track. Tak proč čekat? Start tracking your online store’s performance with Ecwid today and use the valuable insights to boost your sales, improve your marketing strategies, and reach new heights in your business.

The Visitors section in Ecwid’s reports

How to Start Using Reports with Ecwid

When it comes to running a successful online store, knowledge is power, and Ecwid provides you with all the necessary tools to track and understand your store’s performance.

To start using Ecwid’s reports, follow these simple steps:

  1. Zaregistrujte se do Ecwid od Lightspeed.
  2. Open your Ecwid admin and click on the Zprávy strana.
  3. Choose the type of report you want to view, such as visitors or orders.
  4. Customize the date range and other parameters to get a more detailed report.

Use the insights from the reports to make informed decisions for your business, and don’t forget to check in regularly and track your progress over time.

As an online store owner, it’s crucial to clearly understand your financial and marketing metrics to make informed decisions for your business. With Ecwid’s user-friendly reports, you can easily track and analyze these metrics in one convenient place.

To learn more about using the Reports tool in your Ecwid store, read this instruction from the Help Center.

How To Make the Most Out of Ecwid’s Reports

A great benefit of using Ecwid’s reports is that they unlock valuable insights into your online store data that would otherwise be challenging or even impossible to track with other tools. Zde jsou některé z metrik, které můžete sledovat:

  • Metriky, které vám pomohou pochopit úspěch a dlouhodobou udržitelnost vašeho podnikání, například tržby na zákazníka nebo návštěvníka
  • Metriky související s výdaji vašeho obchodu Ecwid
  • Metriky související s konverzí podle segmentů zákazníků, jako nový vs. vracející se návštěvníci nebo počítač vs. mobile visitors.

Let’s explore a few examples showcasing how a deep understanding of these metrics empowers you to make informed decisions that drive business growth and improvement.

Managing Advertising Campaigns

Revenue per visitor helps you plan your advertising campaign and ensures you don’t overspend.

Checking average revenue per visitor in Ecwid’s reports

Říci, your revenue per visitor is $1. Knowing this information, you can adjust your marketing campaigns accordingly to spend less than a dollar to attract a visitor. Tudy, you’ll increase your profits in the long run.

Pochopení zisku vs. Výdaje

Metrics like revenue per customer help you plan future income. Například, pokud víte, kolik nových zákazníků tento měsíc přilákáte, můžete si spočítat, kolik peněz tento měsíc vyděláte. To je užitečné, protože vám to umožňuje stanovit si realistické cíle a sledovat svůj pokrok směrem k nim.

Existují další metriky, které vám pomohou přesně vypočítat vaše výdaje a odhadnout budoucí zisky.

Například, ve vašem obchodě Ecwid, máte možnost specifikovat cenu zboží – nákladovou cenu, which is essential for calculating store expenses.

Targeting High-Performing Segments

When it comes to conversions by segments, jako new vs. returning visitors, you can identify the segments with high conversion rates and focus on driving more people into those segments. Podobně, you can pinpoint the segments with low conversion rates and make improvements accordingly.

Comparing new vs. returning customers

Například, you’ve noticed a remarkably high conversion rate for orders among visitors who have previously visited the store. To maximize this opportunity, you could consider launching remarketing campaigns on Facebook to bring back visitors who have already shown interest but haven’t made a purchase yet.

Optimizing Website Experience

Metrics related to conversions by segments also help you identify areas for website optimization. Vzít, například, desktop vs. mobile conversions. If you observe low conversion rates on mobile, it’s a clear indication that you need to work on improving the design of your website for mobile users.

Best Practices for Tracking and Measuring KPIs

In a world where data is king, your business’s ability to understand and use different KPIs will be a massive part of your success. So always keep an eye on those numbers because they all tell a story – the story of your business’s past, současnost, dárek, a, potentially, future.

To get the most out of measuring your business KPIs, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

Selecting the Right KPIs

Wrong KPIs mean the wrong direction. Tak, how do you pick the right ones? It’s about what’s vital for vaše business success. Here are some tips:

  • Align with your business objectives: Choose KPIs that align with your business goals and long-term strategy.
  • Keep it simple: Don’t get weighed down by too many KPIs. Focus on the essential ones that truly measure success.
  • Be relevant: Ensure your KPIs are meaningful and relevant to your business. Don’t just track something because it’s easy.
  • Monitor trends: Look beyond single data points and track trends over time to see how your performance is changing.

With a vast range of KPIs available, it can be overwhelming to select the right ones for your business. Ale pamatuj, what matters most is picking the ones that align with your specific business goals and objectives. Ecwid checks all these boxes by providing easy-to-use reports that track your most important KPIs.

Tracking KPIs

Once you have identified the right KPIs for your business, it’s essential to track them consistently. Zde je několik tipů pro efektivní sledování:

  • Nastavte frekvenci: Rozhodněte se, jak často budete své KPI sledovat – denně, týdně, měsíční, atd.
  • Používejte technologii: Zvažte použití softwaru nebo nástrojů k automatickému sledování klíčových ukazatelů výkonu a jejich analýze v reálném čase.
  • Vizualizujte data: Vytvářejte snadno stravitelné vizualizace vašich dat KPI, jako jsou grafy nebo tabulky, rychle pochopit trendy a vzory.
  • Sledovat proti cílům: Nastavte konkrétní cíle pro každý KPI ​​a sledujte pokrok směrem k těmto cílům.

V tomto ohledu, používání integrovaných přehledů Ecwid je přesně to, co jako online prodejce potřebujete: čistý, stručný způsob, jak sledovat svůj pokrok a měřit úspěch s vaší dlouhodobou strategií.


gratuluji, nyní víte, jak používat KPI k měření výkonu! Mějte na paměti, ačkoli, že obchodní KPI jsou kompasem, ne mapa. Vedou vás, ale vaše strategie je to, co vás dovede k cíli – obchodnímu úspěchu.

Ecwid je vaším partnerem při procházení vodami elektronického obchodu. Se zprávami Ecwida, můžete sledovat, analyzovat, a použijte tyto statistiky k posílení svého podnikání.

Sign up for Ecwid and seamlessly migrate your existing store. You’ll love managing an online store that keeps you informed about its performance at all times.

You can also take advantage of Ecwid’s other features, such as inventory, objednat, and staff management, and marketing tools – everything that simplifies the life of a busy business owner. Plus, you can sync your Ecwid store with social media and marketplaces to sell on Facebook, Amazonka, a více.

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About the author

Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at Ecwid. She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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