10 Effective Loyalty Programs to Drive Repeat Purchases

Are you tired of customers wandering off to explore new stores, even if they love your products? Studna, it’s time to turn the tables and keep them hooked on what your business has to offer!

Loyalty programs are the secret sauce for any business, as they have the power to transform one-time shoppers into lifelong fans. Whether you’re in the business of coffee, oblečení, or accessories, můžete své zákazníky přesvědčit, že na vaší straně plotu je tráva vždy zelenější.

Připoutejte se, když se ponoříme do světa věrnostních programů, díky nimž bude vaše značka jasně zářit a zákazníci se budou vracet pro více.

Co je věrnostní program?

Věrnostní program je způsob, jak odměnit zákazníky za zachování věrnosti vaší značce poskytováním slev, položky zdarma, kupony, nebo speciální nabídky. Zákazníci budou moci tyto odměny uplatnit po několika nákupech ve vašem obchodě. Je to skvělá strategie increase customer retention.

There are various types of loyalty programs that you can choose from and implement as soon as possible. Continue reading to find out which is ideal for your store.

Do Loyalty Programs Work?

Loyalty program members generate 12-18% more revenue growth each year than non-members if properly executed! It’s worth trying it out and seeing if it works for your brand.

How to Create a Loyalty Program

The key to creating a successful program is to make it personal and valuable for your customers. There are a few elements to consider when creating a loyalty program, such as what type of rewards and perks you’ll offer and how customers can earn them.

But don’t worry, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel—there are plenty of successful loyalty programs out there that you can draw inspiration from and start generating more sales.

Zde jsou nějaké příklady:

The Points Program

The points program is one of the simplest loyalty programs out there. Buyers earn points for every purchase they make, a poté mohou tyto body použít k získání položky zdarma nebo slevy.

Aby to bylo úspěšné, program musí být snadno vypočítatelný a pochopitelný. Například, zákazník vydělává 1 bod za každý 1$ nebo 2$ utracené ve vašem obchodě. Body lze získat za nákupy a zapojení, such as a like on Facebook or a subscription to a newsletter.

Je také důležité, aby byl váš bodový program snadno použitelný. Dejte klientům hmotnou kartu, kterou si mohou vzít s sebou, a také jim umožněte přístup k ní prostřednictvím jejich telefonů s účtem nebo mobilní aplikací. Takhle, pokud kartu zapomenou nebo ztratí (jak to čas od času děláme všichni), jejich body zůstávají uloženy v jejich telefonu a lze je získat.

Z tohoto typu odměnového programu těží nejvíce krátkodobé a časté nákupy.

Vezměme si jako příklad věrnostní program Starbucks:

Starbucks je známý svým systémem odměn. Zákazníci obdrží jednu hvězdičku za každý dolar utracený pomocí kreditní nebo debetní karty a dvě hvězdičky za použití předem načtených peněz z aplikace. S hvězdami, členové mohou získat nápoje nebo jídlo zdarma.

Coffee is an integral part of many people’s morning routines. Some people drink coffee every morning, so they might as well get rewarded for it!

Fun fact: Starbucks is one of the most popular rewards programs, averaging nearly 29 million members in 2022.

Poznámka: a Gratisfaction app from the Ecwid App Market can help you run a points loyalty program just as easily as Starbucks!

Listen to the founder of the Gratisfaction app share his insights and tactics on developing loyalty programs.

The Tier Program

With a tier program, velikost odměn roste s časem. Čím více zákazník nakupuje, tím větší cena. Zákazníci se vrátí v očekávání získání této ceny.

Aby byla vaše značka stále na prvním místě, musíte svým zákazníkům neustále připomínat výhody, jejich stav, a jak blízko jsou k nové úrovni (= dodatečná odměna). Tento program dává zákazníkům pocit exkluzivity a vysokého postavení a nadchne je k nákupu ve vašem obchodě.

Tento systém funguje nejlépe pro dlouhodobé zákazníky a podniky s vysokými cenami.

Například, the Sephora Beauty Insider Program offers a variety of rewards depending on how much you spent on their products in the past year. It includes invitations to exclusive events, various discounts, and free standard shipping (they really make you feel like a VIP!)

Profesionální tip: Send a personalized offer via email by segmenting customers that spend over a certain amount in your store. V Ecwidu, you can do that by syncing your Ecwid store with Mailchimp. Například, you can set up an automated email for customers who spend over $2,000 ve vašem obchodě. The email can congratulate them on joining a new tier and list all the benefits they have now accumulated.

Nebo, use Order Export on Ecwid to find out how much your customers spent last year. On your Sales list, click “Export Orders” and download a CSV file. You’ll be able to work with it in Google Sheets to filter customers that ordered over a certain sum from you—then you can offer rewards based on the amount!

The Fee-Based Program

Customers who join this loyalty program pay a fee to get a VIP membership. It offers perks that regular customers can’t access, such as free shipping, more significant discounts, or exclusive products.

Remember that this is most effective for repeat purchases and may not be as interesting for new customers.

Například, Amazon Prime membership provides access to video streaming, prime rewards, or early access to select deals. And they seal the deal with free, one-day shipping. Shoppers are eager to receive their orders and dislike having to wait. They are willing to pay for speed!

Fun fact: Amazon Prime members spend more than twice as much as non-Prime members.

Poznámka: You can sell access to a membership program right in your Ecwid store! All you need to do is create a product that doesn’t require shipping and name it something like “Access to a membership program.” If you’d like to receive a recurring payment for the membership (říci, $2 za měsíc), you’ll find Ecwid’s subscription tool particularly helpful.

The Reward Partnership

With this loyalty program, you partner with one or more companies and offer rewards that can be redeemed at participating stores. For this, it is important to work with companies related to your brand that your customers will be interested in. Například, if your store sells fitness apparel, you can partner with a gym or fitness center. You can offer special co-branded deals or discounts in your partners’ stores.

Například, Air Canada’s Aeroplan members can earn points at various retailers and use them on flights, hotels, and stores – anything a customer might need for a trip.

Profesionální tip: The easiest way to offer a discount at a partner store is via slevové kupony.

The Non-Monetary Program

This program does not offer a monetary incentive but rather a value-based one. Purchasers will not receive any reward directly, but their purchase will help support a specific organization of your choice. V tomto případě, it is crucial to choose a fund that represents your values and your audience’s.

You can donate some of your sales to animal rights organizations, art efforts, educational programs, atd. This choice is determined by your brand’s unique characteristics and your customers’ values.

Don’t forget to keep your buyers informed on how their purchases have helped those funds, and show proof of donation after the fact.

Například, Patagonie, a popular outdoor clothing retailer, donates 1% of sales to preserve and restore the natural environment. They’ve awarded over $140 million to domestic and international environmental groups.

Poznámka: There are several ways to collect donations in your Ecwid store, both recurring and one-time. Customers will be able to see a donation option on the storefront and/or at checkout.

The Game Program

Proč nepobavit zákazníky a zároveň jim nenabídnout něco speciálního?

Vytvořte věrnostní program založený na hře a nabídněte svým kupujícím dárky, slevy, nebo exkluzivní nabídky, když vyhrají. Hra musí být jednoduchá a snadno použitelná a měla by nabízet něco, co uspokojí zájmy vašich zákazníků. Držte se fair play: šance musí být minimálně 25%.
Můžete si zahrát hru „Spin the Wheel“ nebo kvíz.

Vezměme si opět Starbucks jako příklad (Promiňte, jen zabíjejí svou hru na věrnost). Každý rok, zahajují své letní hry, které umožňují členům hrát logickou hru, sbírat body, a vyhrát odměny. Ceny zahrnují nápoje zdarma, jídlo, Příslušenství, dárkové karty, a dokonce i výlety. je to návykové!

Profesionální tip: Ve vašem obchodě Ecwid si můžete nastavit věrnostní program s gami pomocí Gratisfaction aplikace. Nebo, přidejte kolovrat do svého obchodu s Sleva Spin Wheel.

Program Cashback

Tento typ věrnostního programu je poměrně jednoduchý: zákazníci utratí určitou částku peněz a část obdrží zpět. Pomáhá zvýšit objem transakcí a je pro zákazníka snadno pochopitelný.

As this loyalty program does not provide an immediate reward, keeping customers engaged with your brand is critical. The results are only seen after a specific amount of time and repurchases.

Například, The CVS Extra Care program allows you to get 2% back of all your purchases.

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The Hybrid Program

This is a combination of different types of loyalty programs.

But don’t try too hard here: if you combine too many types, it may confuse your customers. Points and tier systems work well together, unlike the mix of cashback, hra, and fee-based programs.

Například: When you register for Kiehl’s Rewards, a free birthday gift is guaranteed, as well as a $10 reward for every $100 spent.

The Ambassador Program

How about rewarding your fans by putting them on your ambassador list? Give them freebies or VIP access to your services in exchange for spreading the word about your store on social media, review websites and in-person events.

This loyalty program is excellent for increasing social proof and brand awareness. Potential customers will be encouraged to try the product after seeing the ambassador use it and give a positive review. They trust their choices, and reviews in the form of videos or pictures are always more honest.

Například, Lululemon’s ambassador program enables individuals who engage in a variety of activities, such as running, yoga, studio owners, umělci, and chefs, to become a part of the Lululemon community. They get to test out their products, connect with other ambassadors, and host company events such as yoga classes (while wearing their clothes).

Tudy, Lululemon’s ambassador program promotes the brand, demonstrates its products in action, and creates a community around them.

Birthday Gifts

This one is easy: you present your buyers with gifts on their birthdays. It works for any business with a customer database, and if you offer a birthday gift for signing up for subscribing to your newsletter, it helps to build an email marketing list. A gift can be an exclusive product, a discount, or a sample. Who doesn’t love gifts on their birthday?

Například: World Market offers a free reward on your birthday — and it’s a surprise!

Profesionální tip: Přidat custom field to your checkout to ask customers for their birthday. Don’t forget to explain why you are asking for it.

Alternativně, celebrate a customer’s purchase anniversary by sending them an automated email with a discount coupon. This option is even easier as you won’t have to track all your customers’ birthdays. Just enable the “One Year After Purchase” email, specify the discount amount, and the emails will be sent out automatically to all eligible customers. (It’s a good idea to let your customers know about this perk to build loyalty.)

Zjistěte více: Ecommerce Email Marketing Best Practices to 3x Sales

Best Practices for Loyalty Programs

To maximize the effectiveness of your loyalty program, remember these key guidelines:

By following these principles, you can create a loyalty program that truly captivates your customers and keeps them coming back for more.

About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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