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Sell Anything to Anyone: 5 Simple Steps That Work

16 min read

Да се ​​отличаваш в продажбите, важно е да свържете продукт с човек, който ще има полза от притежаването му. Отговорността на продавача е да съгласува желанията и изискванията с подходящи решения.

Умелият продавач ще се стреми да установи взаимно разбиране и да договори сделка, при която клиентът ясно вижда как ще се възползва от покупката. Това е важно, защото без такова разбиране, приключването на продажба може да бъде много предизвикателство.

Да овладеят умението да продават, it is necessary to comprehend and apply various selling techniques. These techniques include:

  • have a clear understanding of what you’re selling
  • have a good understanding of your target market and the individuals who will be interested in purchasing your product
  • actively listen to your customersinquiries and provide them with informed responses
  • position your product as a solution to a common problem or a way to simplify their lives
  • establish a strong rapport with your customers to make them feel at ease while speaking with you
  • avoid speaking down to your audience
  • focus on retaining customers to ensure long-term success.

Let’s talk about each of the points.

стъпка 1. Master Your Product

It is essential to understand the product you’re selling and its potential benefits before attempting to sell it. This applies whether you’re selling a second-hand TV or a promising stock. Make sure to take the time to examine the item thoroughly.

When analyzing, take into account both emotions and objectivity since potential buyers are influenced by both. It is important to consider subjectivity in your analysis.

Investing in a hot stock may seem risky, but it also offers the tantalizing possibility of making a significant profit in a short amount of time.

When analyzing effective marketing campaigns, you’ll notice that products are typically not sold based on technical specifications or logical factors. Вместо, consumers are often motivated by their own egos and a sense of what’s consideredcool”. As long as the product performs its basic functions, many consumers will be interested in buying it.

стъпка 2. Research Your Customer

Understanding the customer’s circumstances and desires is equally, ако не и повече, important than product knowledge when selling. It is essential to be aware of the customer’s needs and desires and how the product can fulfill them. To create a positive and mutually beneficial interaction, it is vital to consider the customer’s perspective.

If you don’t know a customer personally, you can still make assumptions about their needs based on patterns you’ve observed in other customers who have visited the same location. With experience, you may have noticed that many customers have similar needs.

To gain more understanding on what a professional client may be seeking, reviewing their LinkedIn profile and researching their industry can be helpful.

Make sure to conduct research before contacting us.

In order to get buyers to invest their time in learning about your product, it’s important to invest your own time in learning about them first.

Before starting a conversation with prospects, you can refer to these research sources for information:

  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter (individual and business accounts)
  • Facebook
  • Google (prospect and company)
  • Company’s press releases page
  • Competitorspress releases pages
  • Blogs

Ask questions, and listen to the answers

Even if you have thoroughly researched the prospect, все още може да има пропуски в знанията ви. Ефективно подпомагане на купувача с неговия проблем, изключително важно е да задавате много обмислени въпроси по време на разговори.

Ето няколко примера:

  • “Кои са най-важните характеристики за вас?”
  • “Как трябва да ви кара да се чувствате този продукт?”
  • “Как проблемът засяга вашата организация?
  • “Какво мислят вашите клиенти? “
  • “Какво правите в момента, за да разрешите проблема?”
  • “В един перфектен свят, какво бихте искали да видите да се случи с това?”
  • “Можете ли да ми дадете пример?”

Показването на искрено любопитство е полезно. While having a set of prepared questions is helpful, it’s not necessary to follow them word for word if the discussion veers off track. People enjoy discussing their own experiences, so expressing real curiosity towards them can help them feel more comfortable around you.

To improve communication, it’s important to listen to the buyer’s response after asking a question without interrupting. Repeat their message back to them and ask for confirmation that you understood it correctly. Тогава, ask another question to clarify any further details.

When you listen attentively, it not only helps you understand the problem better, but it also makes the other person feel good. If you listen well, they are more likely to listen to you when you have something to say.

Make sure to enter this information into your CRM so that your entire team can access it, and avoid having to ask the buyer the same questions again.

стъпка 3. Present Your Product as Part of Your Customer’s Ideal Lifestyle

Everyone, whether a customer or not, ultimately seeks their own version of a fulfilling life. While individual desires may differ greatly, most people share common goals such as success, a comfortable life, and the admiration of others.

To sell a product effectively, it’s crucial to identify how it can benefit or improve a customer’s life. Следователно, it’s important to understand the customer’s needs and find ways to overlap them with the benefits of the product. По този начин, you can create an effective sales pitch that highlights how the product can meet the customer’s needs and make their life better.

An individual who is selling a new refrigerator could emphasize its advantages, such as improved energy efficiency, and better ease-of-use in comparison to their current model.

Communicate with customers in a way they can understand

It’s wonderful when salespeople or landing pages showcase their own personalities during the selling process. въпреки това, it’s essential to remember to observe the prospect’s personality and adapt the approach accordingly. Our individual characteristics influence our preferred selling techniques and the information that matters to us the most.

Тук са four main personality types, and their preferences:

  • Driver: Interested in seeing the results and the final outcome.
  • Amiable: Interested in innovative concepts and overarching perspectives.
  • Expressive: Interested in learning about people and how ideas impact them.
  • Analytical: Интересува се от получаване на фактическа информация, статистика, и данни.

За ефективна комуникация с вашия потенциален клиент, приспособете вашите съобщения и представяне към техните предпочитания въз основа на тяхната категория. Съсредоточете се върху това, което е най-важно за тях.

стъпка 4. Приключете сделката

Процесът на продажба не може да бъде завършен без действителния акт на продажба. Това включва завършване на сделката между купувача и продавача, което може да включва обмяна на пари в брой или подписване на договор за наем. Код на изходния език: IN

It’s important to avoid being overly confident until a deal is officially closed. Понякога, customers may change their mind at the last minute, and if you act like you’ve already sealed the deal, it could create unnecessary pressure on them.

It is advisable to close the deal as soon as possible. Even though it is normal to feel anxious while finalizing a sale, dragging it for too long may diminish your progress and allow more assertive competitors to win over your potential customers.

Experience a peak of emotions

Всяко решение, което човек взема, е повлияно от неговите емоции. Това означава, че разчитането само на логика за убеждаване на клиентите не е ефективно за търговците.

Съобщения за продажба, презентации, и срещите трябва да привличат както емоциите, така и рационалното мислене на потенциалния клиент. Джефри Джеймс, експерт по продажбите, вярва, че вземането на решения се влияе от определени емоции.

  • Алчността
  • страх
  • Алтруизъм
  • Завист
  • Гордост
  • Срам

There are certain negative emotions that you wouldn’t want potential customers to link with either yourself or your organization.

To effectively make emotional appeals, focus on one or two feelings that will strongly connect with your audience and use a gentle approach.

Let’s evoke some emotions!

Според изследвания, pure emotion is the top psychological motivator when it comes to buying decisions. Even in business settings, people may think they make decisions based on logic, но емоцията играе също толкова силна роля.

Емоционално вземане на решения

Според невролозите, хората са склонни да вземат решения за покупка въз основа на емоции и след това използват рационални причини, за да оправдаят своя избор. Например, те могат да изберат кола и след това да направят списък с практически причини като цена, надеждност, и т.н. въпреки това, дори когато съзнателно оценявате опциите, техните инстинкти също оказват силно влияние върху решенията им по време на процеса на пазаруване.

Въпреки че може да има някои изключения, като например избор на различни марки мляко въз основа на цената, customers are generally influenced by their emotions when making purchasing decisions.

Sell the feeling

Michael D. Harris, a contributor to the Harvard Business Review, recommends providing an experience that produces the intended emotion if you aim to influence a customer’s perception of your product.

One effective method is to share a customer’s personal story, which should be detailed and evoke emotions. Consider including information about the customer’s initial frustration or lack of something before using your product or service. What impact did your company have on them? Did they experience increased satisfaction with business outcomes or receive frequent compliments on their new jeans from friends?

The aim is to assist potential buyers in envisioning themselves as the customer and feeling the positive emotions associated with it. When they desire to have that experience, they are more likely to search for and purchase your product or service.

Targeting business decision-makers

To be successful in business-to-business (B2B) продажба, it’s important to understand the professional motivations and needs of the other party. Следователно, you should concentrate on two key areas:

  • The goals of the company in terms of finance and operations.
  • The professional objectives of the decision-maker.

You can examine these factors either in specific cases or in general. Например, if you’re planning to reach out to a B2B buyer for a sales call, it’s important to first study the company’s short-term and long-term objectives. Допълнително, you should be aware of your potential buyer’s role in achieving those objectives, and how your product or service can be of assistance.

When promoting to a group, it is important to recognize the industry trends or challenges that a specific business role may face. If you are new to the market and do not have much information yet, препоръчително е незабавно да установите онлайн присъствие, за да започнете да събирате данни. Това може да стане чрез създаване на уебсайт и активно участие в социалните медии.

Междувременно, моля потърсете онлайн:

  • Търговски публикации, където професионалисти във вашата индустрия обменят идеи и прозрения за маркетинга.
  • Други компании, които продават на вашия целеви пазар, споделят своите прозрения.
  • Отзиви, описващи плюсовете и минусите на продуктите и услугите на вашите конкуренти.

Резултатите от търсенето ще ви дадат достатъчно информация, за да започнете целенасочена продажба.

Не се фокусирайте върху затварянето твърде много

За да бъдете успешни в продажбите, трябва да преместите фокуса си от просто затваряне на сделки към целия път на продажба. Дори ако целта ви е да изпълните или надминете квотата си, даването на приоритет само на числата може да попречи на успеха ви. Когато давате приоритет на приключването на сделката пред изграждането на връзка с вашите потенциални клиенти, те могат да го усетят и може да бъдат обезсърчени да правят бизнес с вас.

If you only focus on closing the deal and not on building a relationship with your prospects throughout the sales journey, it’s more probable that you’ll push them away.

To improve your approach, focus on improving each step of your sales pipeline and celebrate each accomplishment along the way. Например, consider it a success when a potential customer contacts you, signs up for a meeting, or begins to build a relationship with you.

В крайна сметка, you cannot force a prospect to make a purchase. Вашият фокус трябва да бъде върху изграждането на силна връзка и предлагането на решение, което клиентът ще бъде нетърпелив да купи.

стъпка 5. Не забравяйте да последвате

Има две причини, поради които трябва да се свържете с клиент след продажба.

  • Първо, това помага да се установят професионални отношения отвъд първоначалното взаимодействие при продажбите, ако попитате за техния опит с продукта.
  • Второ, чрез събиране на обратна връзка от клиенти, можете да получите ценна информация за подобряване на вашия подход към продажбите.

В повечето бизнес среди, по-голямата част от вашите приходи ще идват от завръщащи се клиенти. За насърчаване на клиентите да се връщат, обмислете да им предложите специална отстъпка или оферта.

Клиентите може да са по-склонни да попълнят анкета за отговор на клиенти, ако им предложите стимул, като отстъпка за бъдеща услуга. Насам, можете да ги насърчите да се връщат и да получавате отзивите им редовно.

Помня, вашият клиент е човек точно като вас

Когато изпращате много имейли за контакт всеки ден, it’s important to remember that the recipients are human beings who deserve to be treated with respect and personalization.

When creating a message, ask yourself if you would personally appreciate receiving it as a recipient. This can help you gauge if your potential buyer will also find the message helpful.

While it’s crucial to maintain a professional demeanor in sales, it’s equally important to come across as approachable. Your clients have interests beyond their work that you can tap into to develop a genuine connection. You can build a true rapport by occasionally steering the conversation towards personal topics, instead of solely focusing on business matters. Помня, maintaining a strictly business attitude at all times isn’t necessary, nor is it recommended.

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About the author

Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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